Saturday Garden Inspiration – June 6, 2015

Sharing a little glimpse of my garden that makes me happy.

Wishing you a very peaceful day.

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Once again this year, I’ll be sharing little glimpses of our gardens. Although so much is growing all the time, there is always a little moment every week that makes me smile extra wide and this is what I want to share with you. These are just a few of the insanely beautiful French Breakfast radishes we have been enjoying this week. We have never had luck with radishes before. I don’t know if we were starting them too late, if we were spacing them wrong. Whatever we did, they would bolt at the first sign of heat. Not this year! We have been eating handfuls everyday and have been able to share with the ones we love. We keep re-sowing seeds, they keep popping up. Definitely found our variety for the next few years.

Also, since the weather has been just so lovely and cool, the leaves are perfect. So we will officially be trying radish leaf pesto in the next few days. I’m thinking over homemade gnocchi. Yummy…

How is your garden growing?

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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31 Responses to Saturday Garden Inspiration – June 6, 2015

  1. barnraised says:

    Wonderful! Ours is struggling, but of course we didn’t put the energy into it this year either so I guess you reap what you sow, and we’re reaping very moderately! Certainly enjoy yours!


  2. Carlin says:

    They look great!! Yum 🙂


    • Yanic A. says:

      They really are… I re-seeded my last few rows today. I’m not even sure these last ones will fair as well with the heat coming. But they are forcasting a cool-ish June here so why not take advantage of it! 🙂


  3. Carie says:

    Oooh they do look yummy! I’m so glad they’ve worked out this year!


  4. How lovely to have a constant supply fresh from the garden 🙂 I’ve been much too busy to grow anything really this year 😦 That said our strawberry patch is full of berries waiting to ripen and I did pick a few gooseberries this morning 🙂


    • Yanic A. says:

      Mmm… Berries. I’m jalouse. For now, we have given up on home grown berries until we can build some sort of mouse/vole protection. But, we have SO MANY gooseberries in our little bush this year. A few more weeks and they will be ready to pick.

      Sorry you won’t be able to grow much this year, hopefully you have a farmer’s market near you?

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Jennifer says:

    Your radishes are beautiful, Yanic! Wow. The color and the size of them. I’m curious about radish leaf pesto, it sounds interesting!


  6. What a wonderful habit! A good way to focus on the special moments (I am always trying to hold it all in my mind!) And thanks for passing along the pesto recipe. I’ve always wondered about eating radish tops, but never got around to researching, so now I have a great idea to share!


    • Yanic A. says:

      We’ll be trying it tomorrow. I’m pretty excited. And yes, this tradition last year brought me to slow down, to stop looking at my garden as one big thing. Noticing every plant, every phase, every color… it was wonderful. I’m hoping to keep doing it with my daughter this year. That way, she learns to slow down and see the smaller details as well. 🙂


  7. I’ve never had radishes for breakfast but there’s always a first time 🙂 It’s one of my favorite vegetables in my salads!!


  8. kathrynpagano says:

    I love French radishes!! I have some trying to grow right now but I think it’s too hot.


    • Yanic A. says:

      I’m thinking so… Radishes grow optimally in temps between 50 and 65’F. They will bolt around 80 to 90’F. I’m thinking you should plant them in winter!


  9. sally says:

    I’m not a radish fan, but they do look so pretty, I think I could happily grow them for their appearance rather than their taste! And how do you make your gnocchi? I love gnocchi but have never been very successful making my own.


  10. jenny says:

    oh my goodness, that sounds absolutely wonderful! hopefully you got some pictures of that meal!


  11. Marie says:

    Bonjour Yanic!

    I found your blog a few months ago, I can’t remember from where though, but I just wanted to say hello. I suppose you speak French since you live in the Quebec City area, so I will continue in French 😉

    Je viens de la grande région de Québec, même si j’habite maintenant la “West Coast” depuis plus d’une décennie. J’aime beaucoup lire ton blog qui me rappelle la vie dans l’est du pays et l’importance de se centrer sur les petits plaisirs quotidiens, notamment ceux que l’on peut partager avec nos enfants, toujours de très bons “guides” si on sait bien les écouter.

    Je n’ai encore jamais eu de succès avec les radis, même si tout le mode me dit que c’est très facile à faire pousser. Mais de voir cette photo, ça me donne envie de retenter l’expérience!

    Au plaisir de te lire de nouveau bientôt.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Bonjour Marie et merci pour ton commentaire. Je suis vraiment heureuse que mon blog puisse te redonner un petit goût de chez vous. J’adore tellement mon coin du monde, je ne sais pas si je le quitterais. Quand j’étais plus jeune, je jurais que j’allais voyager le monde et c’est ce que j’ai fait… pour finalement revenir et m’acheter une maison à 4 rues de mes parents. haha! Où nous sommes semble aussi bien adapté à nos nouveaux objectifs de vie. Nous sommes pas mal comblés.

      J’espère que tu reviendras me piquer une jasette.



      • Marie says:

        Je comprends bien le besoin du retour aux sources. C’est super d’avoir voyagé et de se rendre compte que l’endroit qui nous convient le mieux est celui d’où on vient. J’imagine qu’ainsi, qu’on peut apprécier vraiment où on est. Et ça c’est très précieux. C’est vrai que la ville de Québec et ses environs, c’est vraiment très sympa. De mon côté, je suis littéralement tombée sous le charme du Pacifique et j’y suis restée. Mais l’Est me manque parfois. On se sent toujours un expatriée quand on quitte ses racines.


      • Yanic A. says:

        Après avoir lu ton commentaire, j’ai demandé à mon mari (qui a immigré ici des USA il y a maintenant presque 9 ans) s’il se sentait toujours comme un “étranger” et il m’a dit non… c’est évident par son accent qu’il n’est pas d’ici, mais il se sent aussi québécois que n’importe qui ici. La 1re fois qu’il est venu me rendre visite, il m’a dit qu’il se sentait comme s’il n’était pas né au bon endroit. 🙂 Ça va peut-être venir pour toi aussi. Hehe. J’adore le Pacifique aussi. Mon mari et moi avons toujours juré que si quelque chose nous ramenait aux USA, nous irions nous installé en Oregon ou l’État de Washington. 🙂


  12. Marie says:

    Intéressant comme conversation! Ça fait réfléchir tout ça! Oui, la côte de l’Oregon est magnifique! En fait je ne voudrais pas quitter mon coin de pays. Je l’ai choisi et ce serait très difficile de partir. Je me suis peut être mal exprimée (j’ai oubliée un mot), je voulais plutôt dire “un peu expatriée”. C’est que parfois, un petit détail ou une petite subtilité peut me rappeler que je viens d’ailleurs. Mais l’opposé est vrai aussi. Je suis parfois un peu en décalage avec mes “racines” que j’ai quittées. Mais c’est une belle richesse de connaître différents endroits et cultures et j’apprécie cette chance 🙂 Allez, je vais lire les autres posts pour ne pas te retenir ici trop longtemps 😉


    • Yanic A. says:

      Ne t’en fait jamais d’entretenir une conversation via mon blog. C’est ce que j’espèrais quand je l’ai commencé! Merci et au plaisir de se rejaser.


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