A “spur of the moment” sort of week

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This week has been a very unpredictable week to say the least. Rapidly changing, intense weather systems, cooler temperatures, lots of rain followed by blinding half hours of sunshine, you name it, we’ve had it. We have had an equal amount of hours playing outside and watching movies, reading books and gardening, jumping in the trampoline and creating obstacle courses in the living room, biking and crafting, playgrounds and puddle jumping, play dates with friends and quiet moments at home… How did we get so much done? Availability.

Ever since I became a stay-at-home mom, part of me has been struggling to find a rhythm, a flow to our days that would make me feel less stressed, less pulled from every direction. I’ve had people ask me “what do you do all day?” and me answer “What DON’T I do all day?”. That is not how I felt I wanted to navigate these waters.

Since February, our life has been pretty chaotic. Life happens, and you have to roll with it when it’s things like doctors’ appointments, medical evaluations, school visits, broken arms, etc. But there was an end in sight : July 15th.

On July 15th, Little man had his annual check up. Measured and weighed, we came out of there knowing 2 things : Our boy is huge at 91 cm (a little under 36 inches) and 14.5 kg (32 lbs) and this was IT until the very last week of August when it will be time for Little Miss’s annual check up. I think that is honestly the moment Summer began for us. To wake up in the morning and have nowhere to be, to look out the window and decide there and now what to do. To have entire days filled with so many little things that would amount to “nothing” to most, but fill our days with joy and contentment.

September will come and life will set in again : There will be kindergarten for the first time, there will be another hearing test, there will be speech and behavioral therapy, visits to figure out little belly issues, dance classes and play groups… But it’s alright. Why? Because I know now that rhythm is what you make of it. Seeing the positive in all the appointments, finding joy in getting answers. Watching your kids grow and become who they are meant to be. Filling the “empty moments” with things you are passionate about. Knowing that these waters can still be calm ones if you don’t let your heart get troubled by them.

Have a wonderful week-end my friends. Enjoy all the moments of your life, because every moment counts.

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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28 Responses to A “spur of the moment” sort of week

  1. Andrea says:

    Looks like a lovely week! Great photos! Back from vacation, a week of summer camps, two days of appointments next week, and then I feel like I, too, will be able to take a breath and relax into summer…a whole month of it before school starts. Enjoy!!


  2. Jennifer says:

    You’re so right, Yanic. I appreciate the way you value every moment with your children, it’s very important and they will feel it too.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you Jennifer. That is sweet to say. I’ve been inspired by so many of you. I hope they grow up remembering all these special moments. I know they mean the world to me. 🙂


  3. mari says:

    It does take time to find our rhythm. But reading your words, I see that you have found it by allowing life to show you how. Enjoy your summer days.


  4. alexa says:

    Ah yes, therein lies my greatest challenge: not letting my heart be troubled. Wise words. Wishing you a wonderful weekend of similarly relaxing moments!


  5. sally says:

    Beautiful photos, looks like it was a wonderful week. Keep enjoying Summer, it started here officially today too as school finished for the last little one yesterday, and I was in desperate need of a change of rhythm as well!


  6. Carie says:

    Oh what a wonderful milestone – summer should be all about the days when you don’t need an action plan to work your way through!


  7. Marie says:

    Très inspirant post Yanic. Quelle belle sagesse et quel beau cadeau pour tes enfants. Je trouve que ta façon d’aborder la vie est vraiment magnifique. J’ai vu dans ta présentation que tu as lu des livres qui t’ont beaucoup inspirés. J’en ai aussi lu quelques-uns que j’ai beaucoup aimé (comme Everyday Blessings de Myla et Jon Kabat-Zinn et ceux de Sarah Napthali), mais de les vivre au quotidien, c’est superbe.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Merci Marie… La liste de mes livres n’est pas à jour. Tellement de sources d’inspiration tout autour de moi, mais de loin, mes plus grandes sources sont toutes les femes incroyables que j’ai rencontré par ce blog. Cette communauté m’accompagne à chaque pas. Je suis très chanceuse. 🙂


      • Marie says:

        Oui, c’est vrai que ton blog est un réel lieu d’échanges. Je suis certaine que c’est très précieux pour toi et toutes celles qui t’écrivent. Je suis bien contente de l’avoir trouvé et d’avoir le plaisir de le lire!

        And in English: Yes indeed, your blog is a real sharing place. I am sure it is very precious for you and everybody who writes to you. I am very happy to have found it and to have the pleasure to read it!


      • Yanic A. says:

        I will write this in English for all : I’ve always wanted a blog that feels like like friends getting together and chatting about life. I don’t have many like minded people in my area, it has been a balm for my soul to find so many kindred spirits here.

        Je suis aussi très heureuse que tu aies trouvé mon petit coin du web. 🙂


  8. kathrynpagano says:

    Indeed, enjoy every second! Down time is good. 🙂


  9. Kim says:

    Enjoy the break, and the joy of slow and simple days, doing exactly as you please. They truly are special days, these abundant summer days of nothingness. Soak them up my friend.

    Love the photo of your little man march down the trail, too cute!

    Enjoy your weekend. xo


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh, he wasn’t marching, he was running as fast as his little feet could carry him! LOL! That boy can run. I’m glad your yard is fenced in. 🙂 And thank you… it’s been a long time coming, but it is wonderful.


  10. It’s sounds like your lives are in a good place at the moment. It has taken me a few years to realise that Summers just get too busy if you don’t plan those nothing days in too. Enjoy!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh my God, HELLO! What a happy surprise. I hope you are well. We are doing very well, the little bumps have just made us stronger. Hope to hear more from you my friend. Take care and be well. xo


  11. KerryCan says:

    Your photos are the perfect illustration for the words, and idea, that unstructured time can set us free. I’m sure too much unstructured time could be its own problem but enjoy the little bits of it you can grab!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh agree, too much time doing not much results in, well, not much getting done. LOL! But I’ve found that business tends to be a cycle with me. I go through intense periods and then fall flat and happy, content and fulfilled. I’m in that place now… although I have started school and I am taking a 10-day online workshop on food preservation. But believe me, that is down time for me! 🙂


  12. Oh, how I love your words! It is so easy to get too busy, to move and do things too fast, often missing a lot. Life itself. Your blog is like a therapy for me. The way you deal with the challenges of everyday life, how much you enjoy the little things and your love for the little ones… I can only imagine what kind of beautiful, positive energy you radiate in person. ❤


    • Yanic A. says:

      I’m happy my words can soothe you. Such a compliment, I couldn’t ask for more. Although it’s not always roses around here, I know the best is always to come. Tomorrow is always filled with possibilities, slates can always be wiped clean. I think if I would have to say one thing about how to stay positive through all the challenges, it is to let it go. Let go of the regret, shame, guilt, anger… if you do, then you have no place else to go but up, towards the light.

      Thank you for stopping by and as always, being so kind and generous with me. xo

      Liked by 1 person

      • You inspire me to be kind and generous. And you do deserve it. I agree with you, letting go is the most important things. We sometimes struggle with this, though. Sometimes it feels like being trapped in your own head and it can take us time to see further from our noses. But when we do, we feel silly that we were so blind to all the possibilities and getting stuck with only one view 🙂


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