Saturday Garden Inspiration – August 8, 2015 (Gratitude)

Sharing a little glimpse of my garden that makes me happy.

Wishing you a very peaceful day.

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Once again this year, I’ll be sharing little glimpses of our gardens. Although so much is growing all the time, there is always a little moment every week that makes me smile extra wide and this is what I want to share with you.


Today, I’m grateful…

  • For feeding my family and the opportunity to take our health into my own hands.
  • For long sunny days filled with an equal measure of fun and productivity.
  • For little people, fighting sleep but happily spent.
  • For local farms caring about our health and saying no to genetically modified foods.
  • For Heather and Ben, sharing their knowledge and life story during these last 2 weeks through HARVEST.
  • For long nights preserving food with my husband and uninterrupted conversations.
  • For heading towards our coldest time feeling confident and more self-sufficient.
  • For my little life and all the joy it brings me.

How is your garden growing?

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
This entry was posted in Food preservation, Gardening, Gratitude, Homesteading, Saturday garden inspiration, Simplicity and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Saturday Garden Inspiration – August 8, 2015 (Gratitude)

  1. kathrynpagano says:

    Look at all the beans!! Awesome!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Yes it is! These will be for blanching and freezing. Except for the small pile of Cantare greens on the right. We are cracking open our first jar of fermented beans tomorrow and if we like them, I’ll be fermenting a few more jars.


  2. Kim says:

    So much garden goodness in your photo. And tomatoes, so happy the season of tomatoes is finally here!! Enjoy!

    Lovely gratitude list my friend. So happy you enjoyed HARVEST, it really was a wonderful course filled with so much goodness.

    Wishing you a lovely week ahead. xo


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh yes, picked another 2 tomatoes today and will be picking at least 10 more in the next couple of days, I’m surprised our big tomatoes are ready before our cherries. That is pretty much the end of the beans though. Beside our pole beans that are unfortunately not producing as well as we had hoped, we’ve pulled almost all the plants. We will have picked over 40 lbs this year. Just an insane haul. We couldn’t be happier.

      Oh yes, just an amazing course. Thank you again for the opportunity. So grateful for you as well for bringing me in! Add that to the list, xox

      Have a great week,


  3. beautiful gratitude list that you’ve shared. I’m hoping my next year will be a gardening year, this year with the wedding planning just made it too much for us. But I miss having a garden!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you. I hope you get a big bountiful garden next year as well. I can understand why you would hold off this year, but it can’t be easy. Once you get a taste for homegrown food, it’s hard to go back. 🙂


  4. sally says:

    What a wonderful garden you’ve created this year, I’m sure it will continue filling you with joy and satisfaction through those colder months.


  5. Marie says:

    Très belle récolte et très belle liste de gratitude. De mon côté, mon jardin se porte plutôt bien, maintenant que j’ai compris que mes semis en pots avaient trop de soleil avec leur exposition plein sud… Ça m’a pris longtemps avant de réaliser que je devais les changer d’endroit, mais maintenant que c’est fait, ça pousse beaucoup mieux! Ça me parait tellement évident maintenant! Mes “kales” sont très bien et je pense que nous en aurons pour tout l’hiver si ça continue comme ça. Mes pois sont finis, mais j’essaie une deuxième récolte automnale… ont voit les premières pousses qui sortent une semaine après la plantation, je croise les doigts! Même chose avec mes fèves. On a peu de poireaux mais ceux que nous avons sont très beaux. Et j’ai réussi, pour la première fois a avoir quelques “chards”. Un petit succès que j’apprécie 😉


    • Yanic A. says:

      Super! Je suis contente de savoir que ton jardin se porte bien. Nous aussi, nous avons replanté des fèves et je vais replanter des pois et du kale cette semaine. J’ai aussi replanté des épinards et de la roquette. J’espère bien m’essayer avec de la laitue, je dois juste regarder laquelle est la plus résistante au froid. Pour la bette à carde, nous, les plats du printemps produisent encore tellement qu’on ne pense pas replanter. Nous avons une dizaine de courges d’hiver qui se portent très bien. Je pense que l’automne sera plus satisfaisant que celui de l’an dernier. 🙂


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