The Farmer’s Wife Sampler Quilt – Block # 14 – Butterflies at the Crossroads

Good morning everyone,

It is a beautiful sunny amazing day here in Quebec and perfect for going outside… If one hadn’t forgotten to grab the garage door opener out of the car this morning, resulting in having no sled and no stroller to take little man anywhere. So postponing our outdoor time to later in the afternoon when daddy comes home with big sister, on to my sewing table I go!

At the beginning of my maternity leave, I had set a goal for myself for this year : I was going to go through the Farmer’s Wife Sampler Quilt‘s 111 blocks, using my scraps and perfecting my piecing and cutting techniques along the way. As much as my heart pushes me towards more modern blocks, the idea of learning all these century old traditional blocks spoke to me even more. 2014 is all about me bettering myself. Great if I get to finish a few quilt projects, but I’ve set my sights on smaller projects, miniature quilts, table toppers, mug rugs and more, to truly perfect my sewing.

Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent to me that for now, making the 2 to 3 blocks a week necessary to be done by October 2014 would require time that I could not promise I had. So I revised my plan and decided on 1 block a week, finishing my project by Christmas of 2015, where I will have pieced and put together a queen size quilt of the most random fabrics, patterns and colors. What that will allow me to do as well is to participate in other projects, making quilting a bit more fun. If it becomes a chore, then I’ve missed the point.

That being said, I wanted to share my block for this week and if you’ll let me, I’ll share with you my weekly progress.

Block # 14 – Butterflies at the Crossroads

The thing about this book is that every single piece of every single block has templates to cut out the pieces. There 111 blocks and there are over 130 templates. Here is an idea of the cutting work that needs to be done.

Block 14 - 1

After having made the first 13 blocks of this book (I’ve made myself go in order), I can honestly say that this one, I consider moderately easy. There are 29 pieces, that will be put together to form a 6,5 inch unfinished block (6 inches finished). To give you an idea of the size of the pieces, I’ve taken this. Keep in mind, a Canadian quarter and an American quarter are pretty much the same size.

Block 14 - 2

Next comes putting the pieces together. I’ve learned to use a piece of cotton batting to put my pieces down. It creates a friction that keeps the pieces in place so a wisp of air or a toddler looking with her hands, will not disrupt the order.

Block 14 - 3

Piece by piece, you put them together. 30 separate seems of a few inches each, pressing, assembling. The number of times I’ve burned my fingers is completely lost on me. But at the end, you get these perfect little squares.


And what was my son doing during all this time? Sleeping you might think, but no. Laying on the floor next to my sewing table, listening with me to the sound of my machine, playing peek-a-boo with me over the ironing board and chewing on my scraps, my son is watching me passionately making something with my own hands, relaxed, smiling, loving life. How can our kids learn what passion is if we wait until they are in bed to indulge in our own? Would it go quicker if he was in bed? YES! But wouldn’t my crafting be lonely without my little angel to share it with? ABSOLUTELY!


How do you share your passions with your children? I would love to know!

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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10 Responses to The Farmer’s Wife Sampler Quilt – Block # 14 – Butterflies at the Crossroads

  1. Nettie says:

    I can’t tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. The pictures of my grandchildren make it even more special.


    • quiltykanuck says:

      I’m glad you like it! 🙂 Please feel free to add anything to my quilting posts that you think is relevant! You are, after all, my greatest teacher. 🙂 I’ll send you the pic of little man!


  2. Wow, that is beautiful and a lot of work. Good for you! I love your little partner in crime.


  3. The Earth Mama says:

    I love gardening. My son goes with me to help in community gardens. Tomorrow morning we are going to help a community start their garden. We will help with the building of twelve raised beds.


    • quiltykanuck says:

      That is wonderful! I hope you have a great time… PLay in the dirt for me okay? Our dirt is under 7 feet of snow. LOL!

      We are planning on giving our 3yo daughter her first “plot” this year in the back yard : A 3 X 3 planter box and she already said she want to plant all flowers. 🙂


  4. knitnkwilt says:

    ‘Tis good to scale goals down to manageable! Cute baby picture. Not sure how I shared my passions with my girls–it’s been too long to remember. I do remember listening for their passions (which differed from mine) and giving them ballet classes and baton classes.


    • quiltykanuck says:

      Yeah… we’ve been trying and trying to pinpoint my daughter’s blooming passions, but she on her way to 4 and they change every 6 hours. For now, I know she has a passion for stickers! LOL!

      For me, it’s more about them seeing me BE passionate so they can feel inspired to be passionate about something too. You know? They never get into quilting, sewing, cooking and gardening that is fine… but get into SOMETHING! Too many kids sit and do nothing. I want to avoid that at all cost!

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂


  5. jody says:

    thank you for your kind comments! I used to hold my daughter on my lap while I sewed – she insisted and we made that work! My son would howl as soon as he saw the fabric store! Times have changed. I am hoping for a grandchild one day that I can shower with all of the fibery goodness and gardening and fishing that my heart holds. And more!


    • quiltykanuck says:

      I so wish that for you! I’m hoping my kids will continue on with crafts and all the outdoor goodness I’m trying to imprint them with, but whatever they decide, as long as they have passion, I don’t mind! 🙂


I would love to hear from you so please, take a minute and say hello!