Bean bags interrupted


I was going to sit down yesterday and talk about a little craft session I had inspired by Vikki over at Olive’s Crafts. A few weeks ago, she shared a little tutorial for bean bags she made for her kiddos around Halloween. Got me to thinking that maybe Little Man would love a handful of tiny bean bags, filled with different kinds of grains and seeds. Something to throw, chew, step on and generally explore without mama having to worry so much about him hurting himself (or any other part of the house).

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So that was my plan for yesterday’s blog post… That is, it was my plan until 3 h 30 pm.

Wanted to make a phone call. but the phone was dead…

I ran downstairs to put it on the charger…

I heard a big thump, then a shriek…

I ran upstairs to find that in the 20 seconds I had gone downstairs, my son had gotten off his little chair in the living room, had walked to the dinning room, had pulled one of the heavy Roxton style chairs from under the table (where it was fully tucked I assure you), had climbed on it and had then, for all I can tell, decided to jump off, smacking his forehead into the hardwood table on the way down. He was now sitting on the floor with the Niagara falls of all bloody gashes, looking at me like it was somehow my fault! *sighs*

So hours later, all stitched up and back from the emergency room, we made the decision to keep all the dinning room chairs hidden in our bedroom during waking hours. Unless we are sitting on them of course.

Exploratory phase? I think so…

Have a great day everyone!



About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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28 Responses to Bean bags interrupted

  1. sophiezest says:

    Aww! Hope it heals fast. He is definitely an explorer…I love the bean bags, by the way!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you, I plan on making many more. He has fun squeezing and shaking them. 🙂

      He<s feeling much better today for sure. We just caught him trying to climb out of the soaker tub. Apparently, the only scars were physical!


  2. Thats rough my lovely – glad he is okay though. I am sure mommy’s heart skipped a few beats though


  3. Lisa says:

    Ouch! Right in the middle of the forehead, too. My little guy has a scar on his forehead (off to the side) from falling in the bathroom at daycare and hitting the toilet.

    This likely will not be your last visit to the emergency room. I speak from experience.

    Babies do the darnedest things when you’re not watching. 🙂


  4. mountaingmom says:

    Oh dear. Hope he feel better today. My youngest was “the explorer” and the king of stitches. Before he could walk, he dragged his high chair from the table around the cabinet into the kitchen, climbed it, the counter and was caught in the act of trying to get the graham cracker tin from the top of the fridge. He didn’t get hurt on that one, but we had two sets of stitches in his forehead and one in his chin before he grew up. One on his forehead is invisible now that he is an adult, the one in his hairline now shows as his hairline is receding. Reminders of ER visits.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh my dear, my heart would have stopped… right there! LOL! I have a feeling this will leave a little scar. I keep thinking of Harry Potter. It,s right about where the scar will be. 🙂

      He’s feeling much better today, thank you xo


  5. Oh no! He’s a mover, eh? I had a little chant I would repeat in my head when my little man was in this stage…”he learns by exploring his world, he learns by exploring his world”. Glad he is okay, although I am sure your mama heart skipped a few beats. Hugs. xo


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh yes it did… and I chant that mantra everyday as well. We have been adapting our home and making it more of a YES home for his particular type of exploring. Hard work, but it will result in much less conflict in the en I’m sure. xo


  6. sally says:

    Oh dear, happy it looks like he’s recovered well. This particular exploratory phase will pass, just keep telling yourself that!


    • Yanic A. says:

      I do… I remind myself everyday… but I also know it may take a while. My husband was still getting stitches and casts into his teens. He is made from reckless stock! LOL!


  7. Oh, my! Sorry for this unwelcome excitement at your house. Glad he is all stitched up and on the mend. It’s so hard and scary when they are hurting isn’t it!?

    I love the bean bags. Someday I hope to have a nice little basket of small ones for inside play. I’ve been experimenting with them a lot lately, but more for weight. Our second son gets wound up easily and has a lot of trouble settling down to rest. I thought some larger weighted bags and a blanket might help. The blanket did the trick for a while, but lately he’s been rejecting it. So, will try some bags soon to place on his lower back while he’s lying on his tummy. He is also our emergency room kiddo! Falling down a lot and landing himself in need of care than we can offer. At 9 mos he was on our bed and I turned around for one second to talk to our older son and he managed to throw himself off the bed and land on the corner of a sharp wooden truck! First of many trips. Heavens, such excitement.

    Sending well wishes!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh dear, 9 months… I think I would have fainted. Although I say that and my daughter lunged off the couch head first at daycare at 10 months old as well. We spent the day under observation at the hospital. How quickly we forget!

      I was thinking about making bigger ones to put in the oven for tummy aches and frozen toes in winter. 🙂 They are so easy to do. I made those 4, hand stitching included, in 45 minutes.


  8. Oh my word! What an experience for you both! Has your heart stopped beating rapidly yet?! He looks no worse for the wear and it surely will make a great story to tell him when he’s older!

    The bean bags looks just fabulous, my friend! xo


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh, I was a nervous wreck all night. They told him we had to monitor him for a concussion cause he wen limp for about 10 minutes when it happened. He didn’t faint per say, but they said we had to be sure. I checked on him all night.

      I plan on making more bean bags for him (and her, shes having fun with them too) to have a big basket full. 🙂 Than you for the compliment.


  9. oh so sorry, is he ok?


    • Yanic A. says:

      He is, thank you. Back to his old terrible self. 🙂 We caught him climbing out of the soaker tub yesterday. As you can tell, lessons were NOT learned.


      • oh my good luck. My son never got hurt, luckily for me as I’m pretty severely afraid of blood but my cousin would always get hurt and I remember my aunt taking him to ER a couple of times a year. Let’s hope your little man becomes a bit more careful in his exploring…


      • Yanic A. says:

        Well, considering who he was made by, I doubt he will ever really get cautious. Both my husband and I were insane Emergency Room Kids… Our moms have a LOT of stories! LOL!


  10. appleshoe says:

    I’m so sorry about your lil guy. Yours and mine truly are kindred spirits. Panda took his first spill down the stairs Wednesday. I love the bean bags. I made something similar, I used crinkly cellophane for one, lavender in another, a rattle, a squeaker toy, and a few other things, but I love the idea of using different grains. I might have to make some more. Shine on.


  11. erica says:

    oh no… but not to worry…young ones heal super fast… thank goodness.


  12. remmus26 says:

    Oh my goodness!! That must have been so scary!! Glad hes okay!! And those bean bags are adorable! I love that you used different beans for each.


    • Yanic A. says:

      It was… his little scare seems to have settled into a nice little permanent ditch on his noggin. We’ve nicknamed him Harry Potter. LOL!

      The bags were fun, but funny enough, my daughter likes them better. She’s been making little mountains for her Playmobil horses and fairies with them.


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