Wonder, growth, promise and happy surprises…

Do you ever have those days when all you can think is “my life is amazing!”? I didn’t use to have many of those… I use to live a life plagued by attachment to the past, worry about the future and doubt about the present. Although I was not exactly one to lash out, I still lived with much frustration. There was always something else I wish I was doing or always time I wish I had better spent.

Not anymore… I get asked a lot if I have second thoughts about the life choices I’ve made (becoming a stay-at-home mom, being a homemaker, starting our homestead, choosing the path of simplicity) and I honestly don’t. I feel so connected to my life now, connected to every breath, every movement… I used to go through the motions and just go about my day, now, I ride my days the way (I would imagine) a surfer rides the perfect wave. I glide effortlessly though the hours, never really wondering what will happen much later than a few minutes away. Do I plan a few things, of course… Do I worry about those plans, not at all.

I still have little lapses of “old me”… How sometimes I’ll get antsy when Little Miss won’t get dressed when we have to leave or when Little Man tears apart the pots and pans for the 15th time in a day… But a breath, a smile and a small reminder to myself that we have time is usually all I need.


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Yesterday was such an amazing day… Although it was cold, the world was so beautiful I just couldn’t stop staring. Those thick blankets of fresh snow, all over our little heaven was enough to make me feel like I was 10 years old again.

Little man seems to have grown in the last few weeks : We have taken the pacifier away, transitioned to one nap a day and he officially sleeps almost through the night now. He might wake up one or twice, but a simple rearranging of his blankets usually does the trick. It feels so strange to sleep again. My husband and I keep waking up feeling more tired than we did before. I guess 18 months of not sleeping will break you of the habit. But we find him to be more focused now, less erratic. He has been falling into small bubbles of independent play which I’m so excited about. He’s really into cars and trucks right now so they are strewn about all over the house and he keeps crawling everywhere, pushing them along. All I can do most of the time is sit there, watch and grin.

Although it’s been WAY too cold by the windows to start my indoor herb garden, we have still been enjoying the most amazing fresh sprouts. We are on a constant rotation, varying grains, vegetables and legumes. The kids still aren’t all about them, but I can usually sneak them into rice or other grain dishes. But we eat them fresh… homegrown live food in winter here is an unparalleled treat!

I got to watch a family of Pine Grosbeak (1 male, 3 females and 8 young) chowing down on the frozen wild crabapples we have growing in our front yard. I’m sorry for the quality of the picture, I took it through the window. They stayed there for 20 minutes while my little cat Daisy chirped at them energetically. Tea in hand, I watched nature unfold… something I definitely didn’t have time for much before.

If all that goodness wasn’t enough to make the day amazing, it was a very happy mail day in our home to-boot! I received a belated Christmas gift from a dear new friend, Sophie. Sophie lives in Belgium, writes Beautiful Simple Meaningful and is an adventurous home chef and a wonderful crafting mama to 2 beautiful kids. She was one of the first people I met through blogging and getting to know her over the last year has been such a blessing. I received a beautiful handmade ornament and a collection of spice mixes from around the world with matching recipes to try. As we were opening the package, my daughter kept telling me “it smells like cooking mom”… an indeed it did. Thank you SO MUCH Sophie for your thoughtful gift!

Finally, you guessed it, we got our SEEDS! I never thought they would get here so fast (we ordered them less than 10 days ago) but there they were. The kids spent 30 minutes shaking the packages, looking at all the beautiful illustrated packets. Little Miss kept dancing around the hous doing the “we will be growing pumpkins” dance and we just giggled and daydreamed of the goodness that we will grow come spring. I’ll be back this week-end with a post about our varieties and garden planning. I really want to make an effort to document and share our garden adventures this year.

So as I mentioned before, yesterday was a “my life is amazing” day… Not many days aren’t, but some days are extra-so!

Wishing you all an amazing week-end and times filled with joy.

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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34 Responses to Wonder, growth, promise and happy surprises…

  1. sophiezest says:

    Such a happy, HAPPY post! Have a lovely weekend!


  2. Andrea says:

    No, I can honestly say I rarely think that. But your post has made me smile. Such beautiful gifts and gorgeous seed packets. And those sprouts! I always forget to start sprouts in the wintertime. Enjoy these beautiful snowy days!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Sprouts are some of my favorite things to grow. maybe it’s because I’m a very impatient person and I get to eat them in just a few days. LOL! I wish you more days of “amazing” to come. I hope at least a few of your days make you feel completely happy. xo


  3. Susan says:

    What a beautiful post, Yanic. Like you, I’m also thrilled with life a lot of the time. Not to say I don’t have my moments, but, I prefer to look at things in a positive light with gratitude for all that I have and I definitely think that’s what makes me so happy. So glad to have found your blog.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you for stopping by… to be happy in life : to me, there is no greater measure of success. Having gratitude for our blessings is by far the easiest way to not fall into the trap of “what if”. It has taught me a lot.


  4. Sounds so lovely. I am looking forward to hearing more about your “homesteading” adventures. A woman after my own heart, hehee.


  5. lilaeve says:

    Yanic, this is quite beautiful and is a wonderful reminder. I can relate with many parallel household goings-on and life-thoughts running through my head, although I’m guilty of glossing over the little lovely things that add up and mean so much in favor of crankiness lately, so thank you. I know you have many more beautiful days to look forward to this year – in the garden, watching your children grow ever more creative and independent, enjoying sleep (please! enjoy it! I entreat you! ). Happy New Year, friend!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you so much… Don’t be to hard on yourself for the crankiness… lack of sleep is just about the worse. I wish I could send a few hours your way. Happy New year to you dear Lila, to your and your little world. xo


  6. It is pretty darn awesome when you find that “sweet spot”. Enjoy it my friend. xo


  7. sally says:

    Your happiness is leaping out of the computer at me! Hope you surf your weekend wave just as amazingly.


  8. I do have that feeling, often, we are treading a similar path :). I hope you enjoy it.


    • Yanic A. says:

      I’m happy to have met so many people that do walk this path with me. For lack of direct community here where I live, my blogging community has become my solace. Thank you to you and all other like-minded mamas that share with me the amazing-nature of this life. You all are truly an inspiration!


  9. erica says:

    so happy that you had an extra amazing day !!! wishing you more of the same… have a great weekend Yanic… i’m about to try one of those dishcloth patterns you sent me


  10. Monica M says:

    what a gorgeous beautiful day. that stage when they are crawling and exploring is so much fun to watch. and a belated gift and the seeds! i’m so glad for you that you snapped the day on the blog, for your own keepsake.

    i experience it a little differently. both deeply depressed at how things are, and deeply aware that it’s amazing lol 17yrs married to the wrong man and then a baby who slept in 20min intervals, then 40min, then 70mins, for months/years, and me without parenting support and isolated where we lived, and even now at age 6 still wakes, and i’m an insomniac and now a solo mama, and going through a divorce, and an entire community has turned their back on me….. hahahaha
    but you know what? i can STILL see my life as amazing, my days were so very bad for close to 2 decades, and yet i can still see above it, to the tie we have with Source, and see that it is amazing regardless of what is going on. it isn’t whether things are sweet and easy, or tough, but how we feel about it. like you indicated, perhaps before life was amazing but you dwelt in worries etc.

    as for daily practical living? well, finally, my life is heading in the direction of ‘isn’t it amazing’. i relish the amazing moments when they come along. 😉


    • Yanic A. says:

      How strong you are to have come through all those challenges still loving life and wanting to enjoy it to the fullest. So many would have exited the tunnel jaded. I wish for you nothing but bright lights from now on. How happy I am to have found your blog and that we can share in our lives. 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to tell your story.


  11. alexa says:

    I just loved reading this post. There’s something that I share with you – that sense of happiness with the life I’ve chosen. I feel that I am just getting started on this road and that is an exciting thought that keeps me going when the going gets rough. Love the photo of seeds. We received a wonderful Christmas gift from my sister of heirloom seeds. Just thinking about them makes me look forward to summer… but I am thankful I have enough to time to think and plan in the meantime!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Planning is half the fun! Do you keep a journal? Will you share your designs? Hope so.
      I’m happy you are as happy as me in the life you’ve chosen. Such an amazing feeling to just not wonder… knowing is so much better. 🙂


  12. Carlin says:

    Wow. cannot wait to see your garden! I love the place you are in, and I love reading about it. Have a great weekend. 🙂


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you for taking the time to visit. I love where I live. Sometimes, there aare little parts of me that wish I lived somewhere a bit warmer (mostly so I could garden more LOL!) but I don’t think I would last long without my heavy blankets of snow… it’s the Canadian in me!


  13. I always say its the little things in life 🙂 Sleep and seeds from Baker Creek! Does life get any better?!


  14. Crystal L says:

    How wonderful that you’ve found that little chunk of peace in your life! I’m starting to feel that way once in a while myself and it’s taking some getting used to, but it’s nice to not feel like I have to be constantly worried about something.

    Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for the garden!


    • Yanic A. says:

      I’m so happy bits of amazing are sneaking into your life. It’s an amazing feeling.
      I’m working on a complete list of seeds to share with you all. I love winter, but I’m looking forward to February… Seed starting is such a fun time of year!


  15. Carie says:

    That’s such a lovely happy post to read – I think I need to remind myself that I have time more often – it’s so easy to want things done and done now – and I love your seed packets – they’re so beautiful even before you’ve done the growing!


    • Yanic A. says:

      I cannot wait to have all these beautiful varieties growing this summer. Such promise. And with the kids older this summer (2 and almost 5) it should be a bit more interactive. I know how you feel about time… so easy to convince yourself that you are in a hurry… even when you aren’t!


  16. It is beautiful that your family found the way of living that makes you so happy and fulfilled. Your writing resonates with me. Just reading your posts, I can almost feel that peace and serenity that you feel. Your family is truly blessed! Hugs, Milica


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you Milica… that is the kindest thing you could say. I always tell people that I’m not inventing anything, I’m just making my life what I want it to be, inspired by so many, picking and choosing what I let sink in, what I let float away… If my joy can make you feel joy, then I’m the happiest person! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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