Once in a Blood Moon…

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Canada geese heading South by the light of the moon

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The night before… I’ve always loved the moon the night before the full moon. Seeing those edges around the still blackened sliver. If you click on my picture, the details on the left hand side are splendid.

In 1982, the last time we had a Super Moon / Blood Moon visible from Quebec, I was 8 years old and maybe I knew about it back then, but honestly I can’t remember. And my husband, well he wasn’t even born. So to say that we were going to be staying up to watch the magic unfold last night come hell or high waters is an understatement. We haven’t been very lucky the last few years with night sky events : The last 3 Pleiades, we’ve had rain and clouds. And I can’t remember the last time I was able to observe an Eclipse of any kind. So after the kiddos were tucked away for the night, tea in hand and camera at the ready, my husband and I bundled up on the Adirondack Chairs on our back porch and settled in for the show. We were not disappointed.

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Canon EOS Rebel SL1, 1/200 – f10 – ISO 200

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Canon EOS Rebel SL1, 1/4 – f8 – ISO 400

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Canon EOS Rebel SL1, 1/4 – f8 – ISO 800

 The last 2 didn’t come out as sharp as I wanted them too, but I still don’t own a tripod. Definitely one of my next purchases. Also, little tip for myself next time (I mean, we will have our next in only 18 years!), check your battery before starting a 3 hour-long eclipse photo shoot. *sighs heavily* Next time, we’ll have pictures exiting penumbra!

Did anybody else watch? Did you take pictures? Please share your link in the comment section for all to see.

Have a wonderful week everyone.

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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32 Responses to Once in a Blood Moon…

  1. mountaingmom says:

    We had rain and fog, so I only got to watch on NASA’s live stream. Disappointed.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh no! I know how you feel… like I wrote, we have been incredibly unlucky here the past few years. It was so cloudy during the last solar eclipse here in 2013 that we didn’t even notice a darkening. I wish the weather had help up for you. 😦


  2. Lisa says:

    I only stayed awake through half of the eclipse. I was pretty excited about it. My 9yo, not so much. We did have some clouds, but there would be a break and we could see it. I don’t remember the last time I was able to see an eclipse. A few years back, I took him over to the Michigan State campus for the transverse of Venus. A bunch of folks had telescopes set up on the top of a parking ramp.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh, how very cool… That must have been a sight! I’m glad you got some breaks in cloud cover. I woke up this morning and the sky was completely covered. How lucky were we. Apparently they rolled in about 3 hours after the Eclipse was done.


  3. We had to get up in the night to see it here in the UK, the best time was between 3am and 4am ;). We had complete cloud cover forecast so I didn’t set an alarm…………however my eldest had a nightmare at 3.10am so we all woke up……..the cloud cover wasn’t quite complete but it was fairly thick. We could see a pinkish moon through the clouds which was not as spectacular as your lovely photos but interesting none the less.


  4. Carlin says:

    Very cool pictures, we were not able to see it here – it looks like it was amazing!!


  5. Kim says:

    Oh wow, you guys did have clear skies. We had some clouds that prevented us from seeing the beginning of it, but they cleared just in time to see the eclipse. It truly was amazing. No photos, I decided to just soak up the energy and power of it.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh, I’m glad you got to at least see some. And I get the whole soaking up… there was very few pictures taken (as you can see) and between each photo shoot, there was 15-20 minutes of pure reveling. You can almost feel the Earth move under you. It was amazing.


  6. sophiezest says:

    Amazing photos, Yanic! Apparently the eclipse was at around 5 a.m. over here, so I missed it, but the moon was beautiful.


  7. Carie says:

    Oh wow you got some amazing pictures!! I got up (at 2.30!) to watch the last slivers turn into totality and it was absolutely amazing to see, huge and beautifully red but I’m not sure anything much came out on camera – I need to load up the pictures and have a look!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you so much. Oh, you might be surprised… I thought nothing would come out at the end, especially with having no tripod and my hands shaking from being outside in the cold air, but they still did! Be sure and share if you decide to post okay?


  8. Appleshoe says:

    Wonderful photos! We watched, but didn’t take pictures. Clouds came in right before the moon was compleatly covered so we missed the end, but yes, it was a spectacular sight to see. It’s nice to see how many people were connected by this event last night even though we all live in different places. 🙂


  9. KerryCan says:

    We had a beautiful night here, too, and sat out and watched–what an amazing experience. Your photos turned out great!


  10. That is mesmerizing! So SO beautiful


  11. Jennifer says:

    We watched too but I ended up going inside earlier than my husband because the bugs were bothering me. Your photos are gorgeous! (and I never would have guessed your age, you seem much younger to me. 🙂


    • Yanic A. says:

      We were blessed, the bugs stayed at bay which was a first this summer/fall for sure! And that is super sweet of you to say. I’ve never really cared about my age so sometimes, it surprises me too. LOL! But yep, 41 in just a little over a month. I feel 30 inside so that is all that matters I guess.


  12. sally says:

    I got to nearly 1am here and just couldn’t stay up any longer, the tiredness won! Your viewing sounds perfect, and great photos.


  13. kathrynpagano says:

    You images are wonderful. I took one photo with my iphone. Can you believe that! It was 7pm when the moon rose and the eclipse had already started so the girls were with me. We’d just finished dinner and ran out to the driveway to watch it. But it was spectacular.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you. I had never really done moonlight photography. Took a bit of prepping and research for the right shutter speeds and such. So you got the Eclipse while the sun was still setting? That is amazing! Glad the girls could watch.


  14. Marie says:

    J’ai plein de retard dans la lecture de tes posts! Très belles photos! La météo ici était également parfaite, sauf que la lune n’était pas encore levée au début de l’éclipse. Du coup, impossible de voir la phase d’entrée dans l’ombre. Mais ce que nous avons eu la chance de voir était superbe! Les rues du bord de mer étaient pleines de gens. L’ambiance était très douce, presque magique 🙂 J’ai pris quelques photos, mais aucune n’approche la clarté des tiennes. Mon mari, qui connait très bien le domaine de l’astronomie, était impressionné!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Wow, éclipse au bord de l’Océan… ça devait être merveilleux. Merci pour les gentils mots. Je vais être honnête, je me suis surprise. 🙂 Je ne pensais pas avoir d’aussi beau résultats.


  15. Tiffany says:

    Wonderful pictures! We watched it and it was beautiful! 🙂


  16. jenny says:

    amazing!!! fantastic photos!


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