October in pictures – November in words

(Warning : Many pictures follow)

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I’ve been a bad blogger haven’t I? And a recent wave of sweet messages from friends has made me realize that I may have worried some of you. It occurs to me now that a long absence from posting after sharing our news may have led some to believe that we were doing less than well with our new family reality.  I want to assure all of you that it is very much NOT the case.

If anything, the last 4 weeks have been peaceful, slow, meditative and just, well, enchanting. So much so that I’ve found myself in a blissful state of writer’s block. Not because I lack things to talk about, but mostly because for the first time in a long time, I do not feel the need to record my time. Maybe it’s a natural reaction to having been SO busy for SO long! But maybe, just maybe, it’s me finally sinking into the moment. Oh, how wonderful of a thought that is.

For weeks now, I’ve been leaving the house without my camera (hence the being late week after week with my portrait projects) and although I’ve had things to share (Little Man’s progress, Little Miss fun times at school, my birthday, so much bird watching my neck hurts, last trips to the beach, the changing of the seasons, the lantern festival at the Montreal Botanical Garden, quiet artful times, reading so many books we are running out of them), I just haven’t and I think I went from being in the moment to simply being lazy.

So here I am, a few days into November ready to connect with you all again. So much is happening right now : We have started baking and cooking warm meals again, we are still harvesting from our garden and preserving food every day, we have started our busy holiday making season and both the kiddos are growing by leaps and bounds.

But, throughout the movement of our days, the pace that seems to take us places quicker than we want to sometimes, there have also been deeper moments of contemplations into our lives and goals. I always get into this head space when the season draws us in. My husband says it’s because I’ll be in such close quarters with myself for the next few months, I want to make sure I like how it feels. I get the urge to purge, I get the organising bug. It’s been stronger this year while trying to create an environment tailor-made for our Little Man’s special needs. I have visions of what I want things to be, now to get them done!

So, thank you for sticking with me, even when I disappear. I have missed this place of mine and I look forward to chatting with you again.

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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18 Responses to October in pictures – November in words

  1. sandra says:

    So nice to see so beautiful pictures from you and good newws of “sinking into the moment”. Oh the squirrel! And the woodpic! stunning! I’ve not been there so much either, too many things to do outside with the little ones… have a nice we dear Yanic


  2. jenny says:

    oh! all of those beautiful colors! your photos are absolutely stunning. we had lots of color like that where i grew up, but here on the coast… the fall colors are pretty minimal. i always miss them so much. i am learning to enjoy this much simpler color palette though, especially with the water and wildlife.
    that lantern festival looks absolutely amazing!! what fun!
    i know what you mean about the “writer’s block.” i call mine a busy writer’s block. life is so busy and then i finally sit down to share about it and my head is still spinning and i have no idea where to begin. 🙂 looking forward to hearing more about your fall happenings!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Exactly! I remember at several times during the month, dictating to myself what I would write, editing the pictures and then a few days would pass and it would seem irrelevant. I promise to be better this month.

      We were blessed with a long beautiful fall season. We usually have a series of wind and rainstorms throughout late September and Early October that speed up the “leaf falling” process. We didn’t this year. The trees stood, happily undisturbed, slowly going through their cycles. It was just gorgeous. I don’t think there is a day when we didn’t hit the trails for at least a short walk.

      I bet the coast in fall is gorgeous. I would love to see pictures one day. 🙂


  3. It is always love to hear from you how ever often you post. I am glad to hear that your quieter blog has meant you are living life in the moment and not something harder to deal with.


  4. Carie says:

    Well hello and yay hurrah that everything is going well. It looks like you had a beautiful month to help you find the right space and moment for the winter ahead – especially the lantern festival, how absolutely beautiful!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh, the lantern festival was magical… kilometers of lights and sounds. Spectacular. It was Little Miss’ Birthday Present. We have been doing “experience based” presents ith her the last 2 years, she has been super happy. She has asked for a week-end in New York City next year for her 6th… Yikes! We may have to start saving up now!


  5. KerryCan says:

    It’s nice to have you back! You sound good and your photos reflect a lot of happy!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Glad to be back… There is, indeed, a lot of happy in this home right now. Itms like everything finally makes sense and we can move forward. The stress is gone, expectations have been eliminated, it’s a joyous time. 🙂


  6. Kim says:

    It is a wonderful time of year, isn’t it, and you have captured so much of this seasons beauty with your lens…just beautiful. I always find this time of year a time for moving inwards, and refocusing, and as you know, this season has found me doing that with an even deeper meaning. It feels good to be wrapped in the comfort and solace of Mother nature and her rhythms. Enjoy this time of reflection, and inward movement.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh, I just love autumn so much… Thank you for the kind words. I know the season has been a less than typical one for you and I hope that with the change of season, your new rhythm will settle in and you will find that sacred inner peace again. xoxo


  7. Marie says:

    Très heureuse de savoir que ces dernières semaines ont été remplies de beaux moments pour vous. Comme tu sais, je n’ai pas de blog, mais j’imagine très bien qu’à certains moments, pour différentes raisons, on poste moins souvent, Je passe quand même régulièrement faire un tour, et c’est toujours un plaisir quand il y des nouvelles! Ici aussi nous aimons vraiment beaucoup l’automne. C’est le moment de l’année où je me reconnecte à l’essentiel. Ré-organiser la maison, faire une petite session de “decluttering”, profiter le plus possible des moments de quiétude quand on en trouve, c’est vraiment bien! J’avoue que cette année, notre horaire est particulièrement chargé. Mais il est tellement plein de beaux projets qu’on a décidé de dire oui aux opportunités et de surfer la vague 😉

    Au plaisir de te relire bientôt!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Merci Marie pour ta présence. Oui, comme toi, je sais que les gens qui “bloguent” pour le plaisir ont des saisons, des périodes plus ou moins occupées. C’est surement différent pour les gens qui gagnent leurs vies.

      NOus travaillons très fort cette anne pour garder notre horaire très ouvert. Nous savons que les thérapies intensives de notre fils débuteront bientôt et nous ne voulons pas nous engager à rien avant de comprendre l’implication totale de cette nouvelle aventure. La petite vit assez de changement et de nouveauté à l’école, elle se sent épanouie sans les actvités extra scolaires. Alors la paix règne et nous aimons beaucoup. 🙂

      Bonne fin d’automne et bonne semaine! xo


  8. there is nothing wrong with living your real life and leaving us out. I go in waves with how intense I am with sharing on the blog. I blog regularly but I do not have little ones!!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you for understanding. Yes, our new “reality” with my son has definitely taken some of my bloging time away. But I’m still intent on sharing more. This blog was always for me as much as anyone and I would love to not have too many gaps in this journal I’ve started. 🙂


  9. sally says:

    Your photos are just gorgeous, lots of special memories from October, and I’m glad you’ve been enjoying some time in the moment, and I’m sure a bit of lazy won’t do you any harm either!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Than you for the kind words about my pictures. I’ve been enjoying taking pictures with my nw camera… still figuring out all the settings and stuff though. 🙂

      Life has been really good here dear Sally… I have nothing to complain about. It’s a wonderful feeling.

      Hope all is well on your side of the world… I’m very much behind on blog reading, I’ll catch up with you very soon I promise! xox


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