Welcome 2016

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And I really do mean it! I won’t lie, as upbeat and at peace as I was with everything that was thrown our way in 2015, starting new feels good.

I realize my post is very late. Most of you have shared your intentions, feelings and aspirations for 2016 earlier this week. But I honestly had to sit and think about it. As much as the idea of 2016 brings a warmth to my heart and soul, I just couldn’t sit down and make any intentions, no precise resolutions… It was like I still needed to find the words.

What was holding me back? I don’t know.

For a while, I wanted to make my new year intentions about my son’s progress and us turning the home into an “autism friendly YES space” for him to thrive without so many restrictions. And although we still mean to build, reorganize and simplify his space, it seemed like a lot of pressure on something that should after all remain fun for the whole family.

Then there was the thought of pushing our homestead even further : greenhouse, chickens, all around fencing… But honestly, the funds won’t be there this year. We still plan on planting blueberry bushes and raspberry canes on top of the two 4 ft X 16 ft hugelkulture beds my husband dug up last fall and fencing part of the yard to make it safer for Little Man, but the chickens, the coop, the greenhouse, they will have to wait.

Then I thought of continuing the purging process of our home. I went around trying to find more stuff I could give away, sell, get rid of. But I soon realized that we have reached, for now at least, pretty much the limit of decluttering. I still may find a book or small appliance here or there, but nothing that would make it a year-long intention.

And that it when it dawned on me.

The only thing in my life left to build up, shape up, reorganize, simplify, enhance, declutter was me.

I honestly have to thank a very good friend for turning me unto Mara Glatzel and a wonderful  7 day free e-course titled “The Tenacious Yes“. I invite you all to go check it out. The class is opened until January 31st.

Through her words, I realized quickly that I had literally run out of space for me in my own life. Would you believe that not so long ago, I actually spent 4 days without taking a bath or showering… I know, gross right? But I honestly could not find the time. By the time the day came to an end and the kids were in bed, I couldn’t go in because the pipes for the shower run in their walls and in our old house, it would most likely wake them up. So I spot washed with a wash cloth, tied my hair and went about my days. To this day, I don’t know why my husband did not tell me to sleep on the couch.

So here I am, ready to make my new year intention : I vow to myself to make a place for me in my life. Seems simple doesn’t it? Or maybe all of you know exactly what I’m talking about. What is my plan? I don’t know yet. I’m giving myself January to make one. I know I want to read more and read with purpose. Not just read 3 pages to dull my mind before bed. I know I want to shower everyday, that is an easy one LOL! I know I want to start journaling. I’ve been looking into starting a Bullet Journal that seems to me to be the perfect to-do journal for people who hate to-do lists. I also want to start my Yes Book (Day 6 of the e-course with Mara) and give my thoughts and ideas a “soft place to land” as she so beautifully puts it. I know I want to get back into shape. How that will happen has yet to be determined, but I do want to. I’m always told I don’t look my age and I really don’t want to feel it either. But right now, I do. I also know I want to spend more time in this space again. I miss it so.

I’m sure the plan will come to me in time, in the right time. Part of making a place for me in my life includes allowing myself the time to figure it out. I’m out of practice.

And with this I wish you all once more the happiest and most healthful, joyful of new years! May you all find a place for yourselves to be who you are, who you want to be.


About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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29 Responses to Welcome 2016

  1. sophiezest says:

    Yanic, I found this very moving. From what I’ve read of you on your blog, I get the impression that when you decide to do something, you give it 110%. Before your Little Man’s diagnosis, you already had enough to keep more than one person occupied full time: the homestead project, your online learning about herb lore, two young children. etc. etc. Then there were all last year’s extra challenges. I have no idea how you do it all and how you keep going. I am always in awe of how to tackle what life throws at you and what you decide you want to make of it.
    I think you are right to try to create a place for you in your life, otherwise one day you will collapse. You go through your life with such grace, joy and purpose that I am sure you will find a way to do this; and it will be a well thought out and beautiful way, I bet. I look forward to hearing about it, if you feel like sharing when the time comes.


    • Yanic A. says:

      You are so sweet, thank you. A few years ago, I don’t think I would have been able to handle everything so peacefully. I’ve found myself a lot in the last 5 years and I thank my children for that. I’ve said it before, they are my greatest teachers. I honestly feel that being driven (for me at least) is equally a blessing and a curse. I love all I get accomplished, but I dislike the fact that it,s hard to let go of things. I’m often very hard on myself and that is what I need to work on. And I’m totally going to share my plan with all of you. I’M working on it. I’ve already got a few things written down. I might not even need all of January. That makes me feel good. 🙂

      Happy New Year dear Sophie… I wish you and your beautiful family the best 2016 has to offer! xoxo


  2. Appleshoe says:

    And a happy new start to you as well. It is hard to make the time for yourself. I struggle with that to. Such a good e-course. You can do this. Shine.


  3. erdhummel says:

    Happy New Year from Switzerland 🙂 That is a perfect New Year’s Resolution and – since I have been following your blog during the last year – I think you very much deserve a place in your life again!! Everything else starts to run more smooth once you start to feel like yourself again, doesn’t it? I am a bit frustrated at the moment as there are so many plans in my head and so many things that I either want to do or that need to be done and I can’t find my way around it. And with so many big decisions that need to be made this year that I am afraid there wont be much time left for myself. But it’ll improve eventually, I know. That’s why my one resolution for this year is: patience. 🙂
    Best wishes to you and your family!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Patience is a good one… not just with others, but with ourselves as well. It was interesting. In the e-course I did, she was talking about how we have it in our minds that when we have an idea, we feel we have to make them happen now or else it’s too late. Why? Why can’t they be put in a safe place for later? That is what the Yes Book is about. If you have a few minutes a day, I really recommend you signing up. It really was a wonderful week of inspiration for me.

      Best wishes right back! Hope the new year is just a joyful one for you and your loves. xox


  4. oh my I loved this post and how you are focusing on you 🙂 I am similarly. in a different way I guess. My kids are grown my job is done but I define myself by them still. It’s time to let go and be me fully!!


    • Yanic A. says:

      It has to be hard.. I don’t ever see a time when I’ll be able to just let go. Maybe they are just too little still. But I look at my mom : I’m 41 and she still makes me soup every week. LOL! I hope you find that balance as well Karen. We can cheer each other on! Happy New Year! xoxo


  5. I loved the Tenacious Yes, too! Mara is so awesome! I graduated from college with her so it’s extra neat to see how amazing she is at lighting up women’s lives. Cheers to more mama time!


    • Yanic A. says:

      How wonderful that you’ve known her for a while. She really is aan amazingly inspiring women. I look forward to maybe doing a few more e-courses with her througout the year. Happy New Year! xo


  6. sally says:

    That sounds like such an excellent plan, make sure you keep it front and centre in your mind since it’s so easy to lose track of that kind of resolution with young children. I had to smile about the showering/bath – I hate to admit it but I’ve had days like that too, days when I make sure I have a hat on my head when I have to go out!


    • Yanic A. says:

      hehe… I love this time of year because I can always hide my head under my snow hat! And thank you for the reminder. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time when I’ll forget myself again, but I’ve promised myself daily remindings. My husband is on the case as well. 🙂


  7. Kim says:

    Sounds like a good plan to me my friend. We have to put ourselves on the priority list and take the time to nurture our own being. We can’t possibility be all we want to be if we don’t.

    So glad you enjoyed the course. It was a beautiful week of inspiration from Mara.

    Enjoy your weekend. xo


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you so much for all our talks over the New Year week-end. It truly helped with narrwing down what I needed to focus on this year. And thank you for introducing me to Mara. I’m actually thinking about saving up for another one of her e-course this year. We will see. It might be a nice treat mid-year…

      Have a wonderful week-end my dear Kim. Wishing you better weather than us (rain on Sunday and 5’C if you can believe that!) xoxo


  8. Carlin says:

    Happy New Year Yanic, and that sounds perfect. So glad you found something that resonates with you. Hope to see you more around here (like I should talk! 🙂 )


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you Carlin… I really want to be in my little bloggy space more. And you know, if someone understand not having much time it’s me. I always just enjoy reading your words, regardless of the frequency. Happy New Year my dear! May 2016 bring you all the joy in the world. x0


  9. You deserve care and time, just as everyone else in your life does. Thank you for making that a priority again. Your whole family will benefit by it. (Now if I could convince my daughters of the same… 🙂 )

    Hugs for you as you undertake this new part of your journey.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you and all the strong accomplished women I read and share with for constantly reminding me through their words and actions that there is a world of joy out there for me outside of my kids. xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  10. KerryCan says:

    I feel like I’ve said this to you before–in the case of an emergency, the oxygen bags will drop. Put your OWN on first, before you help others! Really, Yanic–you do so much for others and I’m very happy for you that you’ve resolved to do for *yourself*! They all need you to be happy and strong~

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yanic A. says:

      Yes you have and I remind myself all the time. 🙂 It will take some work. I’m so used to going last. But in the last 2 days, I’ve actually read for about 2 hours (that is huge for me), I’ve bought myself new clothes (even though there was so many cute outfits for my kiddos on sale) and I’ve made myself big non-healthy cookies (just cause I can!). It feels nice. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Marie says:

    Très belle réflexion Yanic. Prendre soin de toi est très important. C’est vrai que c’est difficile avec de jeunes enfants, ça me rappelle moi-même il n’y a pas si longtemps, mais avec le temps, ça devient plus naturel. Pour le decluttering (quel mot pourrait bien être utilisé en français pour ça… je n’en trouve pas!), j’en suis venue au même constat. Toute notre maison a déjà été passée en revue et nous avons donné et vendu tellement de trucs dans les deux dernières années, qu’à part être vigilants sur ce qui entre, il n’y a pas de gros projet dans ce domaine à initier. Un bon point en fait! Pour les projet jardins, nous avons aussi décidé d’attendre l’an prochain et d’apprécier ce que nous avons déjà accompli. Entre les voyages, nous n’avons pas envie de travailler tous les week-ends. Ce ne serait pas un bon plan de trop entreprendre de choses.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Merci Marie. Je te comprends bien sur ces points. C’est dangereux d’essayer de tout faire en même temps : l’énergie manque, les projets à moitié finis s’accumulent et les déceptions sont multiples. On doit trouver le bonheur dans ce que nous avons, pas toujours ce que nous voulons. Hmm… Le désencombrement peut-être?


  12. I wish you well this very important project for 2016. It is hard looking after ourselves amidst family life, we are not really meant to raise a family in such isolation it puts a lot of pressure on parents particularly the main care giver.


    • Yanic A. says:

      It,s funny you should mention isolation because even though we live really lose to the city, we pften feel very much like our own island in the middle of nowhere. I’ve shared often about how hard it is for us to find like minded people in our area. Sometimes I feel like we would have a bigger community if we actually were living in a more rural setting. Strange no?

      Thank you for the encouraging words. Wishing you and yours the most wonderful of new years!


  13. Merveilleuse Renée-Lise says:

    Tu ne pouvais te faire un plus beau cadeau Yanic. Je n’ai aucun doute que ton année sera riche. Quelle belle résolution ! Ton mot-phare doit assurément être quelque chose comme “yes” ou “me”… Ou pourquoi pas “amour” ?
    Je te souhaite les plus belles découvertes, des moments doux et plein d’amour pour toi, du bonheur à profusion et toute la santé nécessaire pour savourer tout ça et grandir… Xxx


  14. Pingback: Setting goals and finding our new rhythm | Family, Faith, Food and Fabric

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