First day of Spring?

*sighs heavily*

Happy first day of spring everyone! I hope your neck of the woods is warmer and more vibrant this morning. Here in the Great White North, this is how the season has started :

Front yard 1 IMG_6383 IMG_6384 IMG_6385


I don’t think you can tell from the pictures, but it is snowing and we are expecting another 6 inches between now and tomorrow. I’ve been trying to remember the last time I’ve lived through such a relentless winter and 2 come to mind : The second year my husband was here (he immigrated in late 2006), we got a record shattering 18 ft of snow between December and March. But still then, the temperatures were mild and we were able to enjoy so many fun hikes, snowshoeing adventures and cross-country skiing trails (cross-country skiing was more my hubby’s thing). There was also the first year my husband was here were we got barely any snow, but the average temperatures were so wicked that we spent our newlywed winter indoors. (Insert funny looks here!)

This year has been a lot of both and I’m honestly thinking mid-90s was the last winter like this. But I’m trying to stay positive : Lots of snow means lots of water from snow melt so trees, plants and flowers will be happy and well fed. I’m also truly grateful this morning for us having changed our snow removal contractor last year because our contract now extends until April 15th instead of March 31st.

At least it is spring in our house…


A green quilt is always so cheery…

Always something growing


And no matter how cold it is outside, Nature always finds a way…

How is your first day of spring? Please share with me pictures of your March 21st!

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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20 Responses to First day of Spring?

  1. sophiezest says:

    The sun is shining brightly here in Brussels and there’s a slight breeze. It’s glorious. I hope the weather cheers up soon where you are.


  2. Tanya says:

    We also have a lot of snow left. What did you plant your seeds in? It’s looks like meat and barley which I know can’t be true – maybe I’m just hungry :). Come see what spring looks like at our house!


    • quiltykanuck says:

      LOL! They are in newspaper pots with a soil-less mixture of sphagnum moss, perlite and vermiculite that I run in an old food processor I keep for gardening. I have about 2 inches of potting mix under neat the 1 inch of soil-less mix so that when the roots dig in, they have actual soil. This way, there is no fungus that forms at the top. 🙂 On my way to check spring at your place now! 🙂


  3. The Editors of Garden Variety says:

    We still have a lot of snow on the ground and it’s very cold.


  4. Christine says:

    Your pictures look so pretty and oh-so-cold! Love seeing the bits of green though!

    Our spring started very early this year… we’ve had great weather and 70 – 80 degree temps for over a month and a half. While that may seem good, it’s been unseasonably warm and I’m afraid we’re in for a scorching summer. I like the warm weather, but dislike when the warm weather arrives early. Maybe an early summer will mean an early autumn!


    • quiltykanuck says:

      I forget what part of the world you are, but I would like to be there for a few days! But I know what you mean, any off season usually sens subsequent seasons into up evil! I personally don’t like extremes… I love winter, just not at -30’C! I love summer, just not at 40’C with humidity! If winter was never colder than -10’C and summer was never warmer than 32’C, I’d be the happiest girl in the world!


  5. Tanya says:

    I agree with you on that one Yanic. What are you growing?


    • quiltykanuck says:

      That is actually the start of a perennial organic medicinal herb garden that my husband and I have decided to grow this year. It will be part of our edible landscape. Right now we have the following growing : Lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, agastache, 2 types of verbena, echinacea and garden sage. We also have amaranth growing and my daughter planted sunflowers. 🙂


  6. I haven’t checked in at home to see how the weather is, but I am thinking it is much the same 😦 Which means the sap isn’t running…it might not be a good year for maple syrup in our neck of the woods. Here in the south it has been lovely, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Happy spring!


  7. Hannah says:

    We are in between snows.. had a big one this past Sun/Mon (8 inches) an expecting another one this coming up Monday. Here is my spring (SPRING!) moment:


  8. I don’t have any photos to show you, but we had a lovely first day of spring. Then it snowed on Saturday, and melted on Sunday…


    • quiltykanuck says:

      Lucky… It’s suppose to rain next week-end so I’m hoping for a bit of melting, but unfortunately, with the night dipping back down, I don’t see it going much of anywhere… Spring will come! Just don’t know when…


  9. triggsey says:

    Oh my word. We only have one pile left but snowshovels are still at the ready on the back porch. I am not organized enough to start seeds this year! Sewing is perfect this time of year (ok any time but particularly now) Here is my first day: Hope it all melts soon!!!


  10. Oh my, that’s a lot of snow! We had a real cold spring last year in the UK (with snow) but nothing on this level. I hope you thaw out soon!


    • quiltykanuck says:

      It is much better ow! I promise. And with all the rain and warm weather this week, it’s melting pretty quickly. But still, this is why our seeds were not started until 2 days ago. 🙂


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