14615 days…

That is how many days will have gone by since my birth when I wake up tomorrow morning. Strange to think about it in days instead of years. You easily loose track of a year, how quickly it goes by. Most of the time I look back and ask myself “what have I been doing?”. But my days always seem filled somehow.

40 revolutions around the sun… 14615 rotations around the center of the Earth. What a privilege it is to be allowed to live this life. A true gift indeed.

IMG_8942 IMG_8946 IMG_8947 IMG_8948Saturday was cold, rainy and gray. And although we made an effort to take the kiddos out to the orchard to get some late fall apples, most of the day was spent indoors. We drew and cleared our Halloween wall to make room for November’s creative whims. There was silliness, there was a lot of running around, enjoying our time together and then there was date night : Our god-send of a babysitter came in at 3pm and hubby took me out for an evening on the town. Dinner, french pastries, café au lait and 5 hours of uninterrupted conversation while walking through the dimly lit street of Old Quebec and this birthday girl was spent. We came home early, knowing all too well that the time change would mean our Little Man would most likely be up around 4 h 30 am. But the connecting, this precious time with my soulmate was more than I could ask for.

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Thank you to my dear friend Shel for the wonderful hedgehog craft idea!

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And right we were : Little Man started fussing to get out of bed around 4 h 45 am and Little Miss followed only 30 minutes later. Being awake with both my babies, the sun barely rising, had such a calm to it. We painted under craft lights and snuggled in front of Frozen (for the 100th time at least!) while slightly pouting at the fact that we hadn’t gotten the snow they promised over night.  More crafts (we are a crafty family!), rainbow castles made from Legos, a little cat nap and off we went to brunch at my parents. Again, the comforts of home are what I crave.

We came back in time for afternoon naps and proceeded to roast squashes to bake muffins, then made vegan black bean brownies, roasted 3 pumpkins, freezing 18 cups of purée and canned 4 quarts of chioggia beets. The kiddos ate early and went to bed early as well, which left hubby and I alone again for a meal. I love eating with my children, but these times alone with my love are so few and far between. This week-end, I will be a bit selfish and say that those moments were needed.

So apparently, that is how we celebrate me turning 40 here. I’m thinking many would want a party, but I like the quiet of my life now. I welcome 40 with open arms, my life is exactly what I want it to be. I feel healthier, stronger and happier than I ever have felt at any other decade jump. Age is just a number… And this number seems to suit me just fine!

Hoping you all had a wonderful week-end. Good night!


About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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22 Responses to 14615 days…

  1. mountaingmom says:

    Happy birthday. It sounded wonderful.


  2. Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have the most wonderful day, and a great year ahead. xo


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you dear friend! With our new life decisions, I don’t see how the year could be anything but wonderful. xox Thank you for your part in inspiring me to follow my path!


  3. Happy Birthday. I wish you much peace, simple pleasures, and good health, for you and all your family.


  4. the most beautiful gift is the one that makes you happy. Wishing you everything you wish for this special birthday!


  5. sally says:

    Happy Birthday! Sounds like a wonderful way to spend it.


  6. appleshoe says:

    Happy Birthday and wishing you much happiness for future trips around the sun. It sounds like a lovely way to spend your special day. (And that hedgehog craft is adorable). Be well.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you so much my dear. I see nothing but joy in my future… All the decisions we’ve made this year amount to bliss in my mind : Hard work, some sacrifice, but all blue skies! 🙂


  7. Crystal L says:

    Happy birthday! I prefer quiet moments, too.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you! It’s funny cause a few years ago, I would have wanted a party : Fancy dinner out, expensive bottle of wine, drinks after, dancing… that would have been me at 35… But now, 2 kids, a homestead and 5 years later, home is where I’m the happiest… 🙂


  8. Happy Birthday. Sounds so wonderful and peaceful–real space to cherish the milestone. Thanks for you wonderful blog! I am so grateful to have found it.


    • Yanic A. says:

      You are so very sweet. I’m happy my space calls to you, I know so many of your spaces have inspired me over the years. I’m happy to have found you as a fellow blogger and new friend as well.

      Wishing you a wonderful week. xo


  9. sophiezest says:

    Happy birthday Yanic! May this decade bring you many blessings.


  10. Belated happy birthday! Seems perfect to me.


  11. jemills56 says:

    Happy Birthday x


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