
That would be one word to explain my absence and silence this week and I do apologize. Too much Lots happening, nothing really to worry about, but just enough to have kept me away. But we did still manage to have a little bit of fun.

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  •  We started free-styling with Spielgaben which is pretty amazing. So far, all our efforts had been inspired by the given material. It was nice to see her branch out and explore her own whimsy.

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  • Coffee filter snow flakes have to be one of our favorite things to make. Although cutting is still a bit of a challenge, we are getting better at shaping and creating these ephemeral pieces of delicate art.

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  • Following Kim from Mothering with Mindfulness, we decided to try our hand at snow candle making. I didn’t have much beeswax on hand so we made one. It was still a lot of fun.

The rest of the week, the few moments we had to simply be, were spent outside as a family. The weather was finally a bit more forgiving so dinners were early and late evening walks were on the dessert menu. The rest of the week, the week-end and early next week will be hectic as well. But by Tuesday night, calm and peace should reign again. Isn’t it funny how everything seems to happen all at once?

I hope you are having a more peaceful week than we are. Enjoy yourselves in the little things. In times of rushing and running about, the little things are the things I miss the most.

Good night.

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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27 Responses to Preoccupied…

  1. My grandson taught me that you don’t need to make snowflakes that are round, and you don’t need to fold the paper in any regular way. ANY cuts in the folded paper will create an interest piece. For ME, that was a pretty big revelation. I’d urge you to try it, sort of coloring outside the lines. 🙂


    • Yanic A. says:

      I totally agree, but my daughter likes to do things like the big kids do. She gets creative once she’s mastered the basics and has found her confidence. We are working on the “out of the box” side, but for her, it’s very much about group effect right now. I’m sure she’ll grow into her own.

      PS : She always points out when I draw outside of the lines, LOL!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. kathrynpagano says:

    I am in love with the Spielgaben. Holy Moly it looks awesome! We’ve been busy here too. Lots to learn and things to explore. Homeschooling keeps us so busy.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh, it is wonderful… You know how people ask questions like “if you could only take 10 things to a desert island”, Spielgaben would be one! LOL! Not just for the kiddos either, I LOVE designing free style mandalas. Very relaxing. It’s expensive at first, but 100% worth it!


  3. Carie says:

    Oh I love the snow candle! I just wish we had that kind of snow!! It sounds like you’ve been having a lovely week and the bread looks delicious!


    • Yanic A. says:

      The bread is divine. Easy too, no-knead bread! Love those.

      How cold does it get in your area? Kim shared on her previous years how they made earth candles the one year there was no snow. If the ground gets cold enough, you might still be able to make them!


  4. Yay you tried the candles, so much fun to make them. Glad you enjoyed them, and thanks for the shout out 🙂

    Your bread looks good, might have to try that recipe, thanks for sharing.

    Have a lovely weekend my friend. xo


    • Yanic A. says:

      It was really fun. I plan on getting more beeswax and making more. They smell so nice when they are lit.

      Have a wonderful week-end as well. Enjoy the beautiful weather. xo


  5. Andrea says:

    Oh that bread looks so good! And the candles look like fun to make. At first I thought those were pictures of ice fishing (can you tell I never go ice fishing so I don’t know what it actually looks like, but that’s what I imagine). Candles are much more fun. Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend.


    • Yanic A. says:

      hehe! Smallest fishing hole ever. 🙂 We don’t ice fish either (vegetarian) but I’ve seen them before. That is my only reference.

      The bread is phenomenal… and I did 5 cups unbleached white and 1.5 cups intergral wheat. Still turned out amazing!

      Have a great week-end. xo


  6. What a beautifully unique candle! I’d love to try that out if I ever find myself in the snow. Thanks for passing on the great ideas.


  7. Carlin says:

    I love the candle in the snow. Hope you have a great weekend. xx


  8. Ooo! Love the candle idea! We’re gonna have to do that.


  9. Susan says:

    Looks like you are one busy mama, Yanic, but look at all the lovely things you’ve done with your family! Hope you take a few moments for yourself in between.
    Enjoy your weekend.


    • Yanic A. says:

      I am, but it’s a good kind of busy… The last 2 weeks have been especially busy with stuff that is “out of our control” and that is when I usually get a bit overwhelmed, but we will be okay. 🙂 My home life stuff is what keeps me grounded.

      Hope you had a lovely week-end! xo


  10. remmus26 says:

    Lovely winter photos!! I’ll have to check out the speilgaben. I’ve never heard of it before. Happy weekend to you!!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh, It is just one of our favorite things to play with for sure! Do check it out. Definitely expensive when you first get it, but they have learning material up to 8th grade if I remember correctly.

      Hope you had a wonderful week-end! xo


  11. What a lovely kind of busy :). I would like to make some of those candles, we had the snow but not the beeswax.


  12. sally says:

    Wishing you more of your little moments this week, bet it felt good to get such lovely photos up on here and make more of these home moments of play you did get to enjoy through all the rushing though.


    • Yanic A. says:

      It did, my own little reminder that all is not work and stress. These capsules of joy are what make intense times seem nicer and more livable. Thank you for stopping by. xox


  13. alexa says:

    My son sounds a lot like your daughter – he has this thing about colouring in the lines, or whatever. (Here’s to hoping that as his confidence and comfort in his own skin increases, he will let go of that a bit more!) Love this snapshot of your lives, though it sounds like a bit of rest and slow-down is needed. Wishing you as many of both as you need! (PS – I love your bread and I’m going to bake it today!)


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh, do give me news about how the bread turned out for you! 🙂 My daughter has already asked for more.

      Thank you for the peaceful wishes… It is definitely not our favorite state of being. But starting tomorrow morning, things should slow down for real. It will be a lovely change.

      Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful week. xo


  14. Seeing the results of your resent baking endeavors always leaves be hungry. I can imagine your cozy kitchen filled with the appetizing aroma of this delicious bread. So warm and comfortable!
    Don’t worry about a little hectic moments, they make us stronger so we can appreciate our peace and little things even more. Have a great week! xo


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