28/52 – Her & Him

A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015.

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Little Miss 
: Oh the freedom. the sun and especially the air must feel so good on your skin. We have been swimming everyday, playing at the park, coloring again. You’ve missed writing your name. I so look forward to a summer filled with new experiences and hopefully no more injuries. I think you’ve had your share already, don’t you? Lets enjoy the sun and water together as safely as possible my love. Tall order, I know. You are growing so fast, your coordination seems to be challenging you. But if you hold my hand, I will try to not let you fall. ❤

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2015.

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Little Man : What a big week! 2 years old, can you believe it? Seems only yesterday I would cradle you in my arms while you slept. Now dad and I have to take turns holding on to your t-shirts to stop you from jumping off peers! I wish I had a tenth of your energy my love, I could literally take on the world. I’m so looking forward to taking this 3rd trip around the sun with you my darling Little Man. So many amazing things to come. How I love you. Happy Birthday again. ❤

Joining Jodi for the 52 Project

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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16 Responses to 28/52 – Her & Him

  1. Carie says:

    Oh what lovely sunny pictures of both, and HURRAH for no cast, that must be such a lovely feeling for her. Your little man held back by his t-shirt did make me laugh, it’s so lovely that he wants to dive into life – just perhaps not literally!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh yes… divine, jumping, climbing, he knows NO fear! He’s going to be one of those extreme sports kinda people, I just feel it. 🙂 And yes, she’s been enjoying herself so much more. Having full range of motion must feel amazing. But it’s funny, she still has a tendency to reach for stuff with her left hand. 🙂


  2. karen says:

    my stomach flopped reading about stopping him from leaping off piers…boys! Love the photo of him concentrating and your daughter looks like a landed mermaid with the wind whipping her hair about!!


    • Yanic A. says:

      haha! It used to make my knees weak, now I just roll my eyes and hang on tight. 🙂 And yes, she looks like a little angel with her curls in the setting sun. I’m blessed with such beautiful babies. ❤


  3. Lotta says:

    Lots to celebrate this week by the look of things! Cast off and a birthday – congratulations all round! Have a lovely week.


  4. Kim says:

    I bet your little miss feels wonderful without her cast 🙂 Your little man looks a little more grown up in this shot.

    Hope you guys had a lovely day. xo


  5. bitsofthepast says:

    As always, I love to see your updates. Your children are so adorable and the love is evident! Thanks for sharing.


  6. Eli Pacheco says:

    Those photos are priceless, Yanic. But your words are what get me! I especially love the idea of another trip around the sun. Sounds perfect.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you Eli… I’ve always felt very strongly about each year being a journey. I’ve never counted age. Age is after all only a number. But what you acquire in knowledge, love, experience and joy throughout the year leading up to those numbers, that truly is what should be celebrated. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh, there is nothing more perfect for the kids but nature, sun and wateeer! 🙂 Let them splash around and enjoy their laughter. And you are absolutely right, if adults had as near energy as the kids have, we could do anything! Enjoy pretty the weather, you deserve it! xoxo


  8. Appleshoe says:

    I think all kids are solar powered, somewhere along the lines we loose the ability to get all the energy and then some from just the sun, waves, and green growing things. How nice would it be if we could bottle some of that energy. Be well. Glad to hear Little Miss is doing better.


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