The gift of time

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As our new rhythm defines itself since we got the news, I’ve had to let go of a few things. One recommendation that was made by the specialists that have followed our Little Man for the last few months was that we find him a part-time daycare or play group where he could be among kids his own age without me. That last part broke my heart when it was first suggested, but I’ve come to understand it as something positive for 2 main reasons :

First reason, for Little Man, it will mean having to let go of his “rules” and learn to adapt a bit more to social settings. One of the red flags we encountered during the evaluation was his rigidity when it came to following instructions. And I don’t mean just instructions like “put your toys away”, I mean he has a hard time learning through imitation and direction. Seems my son was born with a strong belief that trial and error is the only way to learn. So when you pull out a new object, game or toy, he will get very upset if you try to teach him how it works or how to use said object or toy. They also said that he has problems generalizing concepts. What this means is that he has issues taking a skill he has learned at home and applying elsewhere. That includes following directions. He is used to following directions from me first. Even my husband has problems sometimes because Little Man will not only look for me, but he will also look for my voice AND my intonation. So, exposing him to a multitude of people giving him similar but not identical instructions will help him expand his horizons a bit. Luckily, we have an amazing family resource center just a few minutes from our home that offer part-time daycare to families like ours that need just a few hours a week. So for the last month, Little Man has been going to daycare every Thursday morning from 8h30 to 11h30 am. He loves it! He’s been so happy when we pull into the driveway and cries when we leave. The ladies that run the daycare are amazing, so patient and already love him dearly.

Second reason why I think this is a positive thing is that, and this part is very hard for me, I get 3 hours a week to myself. The first time it happened, I was so lost at having all this free time, I ended up doing all the errands I would have normally done on the week-ends. The idea of sitting there doing “nothing” was unthinkable. But as I was preparing for the second week, I realized that taking care of myself wasn’t doing nothing. It meant drinking a hot cup of coffee. It meant a warm healthy breakfast prepared by someone else and me eating it while sitting down with a book. It meant uninterrupted daylight hours to dive into my herbal studies course that I am already so behind on due to the events of the last 3 months. It meant allowing my brain and heart to let go, to trust in the support system in place that are helping me find those hours to help renew and rest my body, mind and soul. I have to keep reminding myself that this journey is not a sprint. To run this marathon, I’ll have to pace myself. Oh what a challenge that will be! But I look forward to my Thursday mornings now. They are part of our routine, our weekly rhythm. I’m slowly letting go of the guilt, allowing myself to feel grateful for this time.

Life, my friends, is filled with simple pleasures. Take them and make them yours.

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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29 Responses to The gift of time

  1. barnraised says:

    You are so amazing. Your thoughtfulness, care and concern for your family’s needs. And, yes, pace yourself. You so deserve the time to replenish!


  2. Marie says:

    “Life, my friends, is filled with simple pleasures. Take them and make them yours.”
    Tes paroles sont tellement sages Yanic. Je devrais écrire cette phrase et la mettre dans un endroit pour la voir chaque jour. C’est ce que je vais faire en fait. Merci pour ce beau rappel.


    • Yanic A. says:

      De rien Marie, merci pour tes gentils mots. Je me rends compte chaque jour (et plusieurs fois par jour) à quel point notre voeux de simplicité rend ma vie beaucoup moins compiquée. Je remarue les petites choses tellement plus et par elles, je suis constament en état de gratitude. C’est un bel état d’être.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I think it is wonderful that you have taken a difficult situation and turned it into something so positive for you and your family. Time for a mama to recharge is wonderful but I know what you mean about wanting to use it to the max 😉


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you… we’ve tried to actively stop ourselves from thinking about this as difficult. You know? I know it will get frustrating at times, but for now, we are all okay.

      And believe me, I talk a good game but most Thursday mornings, although I do take those first 2 hours for myself, I still go out and run errands for the last one. But as a stay at home mom, isn’t errands by ourselves a vacation???


  4. mari says:

    Oh Yanic…it is amazing how many blessings come right along side trials. I know that since Ariana, who is now 16 years old, I have had to learn to give myself time and not to feel guilty about it. Your little man is enjoying his time away from you and learning how to be with others.

    You are all doing phenomenal! :0)



    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you Mari… I know we have a long road ahead. I want to mke sure we are all in top shape to travel on it. know he’s happy there. He gets to have a little world of his own and he can only grow from it. Now for me to find a little world of my own.


  5. Merveilleuse Renée-Lise says:

    J’ai un véritable coup de cœur pour tes mots aujourd’hui. Oui, profite de ton moment et occupe-le à t’aimer. C’est magique. Ce sont toutes ces gouttes de joies qui font un océan de bonheur. Savoure !


  6. KerryCan says:

    You know how, on airplanes, they say that, if you need the oxygen masks, put your own on before helping others? If you don’t make sure you can breathe, you can’t help others breathe. If you don’t keep your own self healthy, you can’t do much for others. Use your new-found hours for yourself!


  7. Appleshoe says:

    Yup. Take time for yourself. It helps you reset and find your calm. Panda goes to a play group on Wednesdays (I don’t know if I told you that), it’s hard to let go, but watching how much he has grown has made it TOTALY worthwhile. I do hope we can meet one day. Our boys are so similar it’s scary sometimes. Thank you for your friendship, having someone who is going through the same things has been such a blessing. Shine on.


    • Yanic A. says:

      You had told me about Panda’s play group. I remember thinking how wonderful it was. Here I am in the same shoes. I do hope we can met one day. I feel the same about saring all this with you. Thank you so much for your support and mostly, your candor. I’ve never been one to like the sugar coating. You’ve always been real and honest. xo


  8. kathrynpagano says:

    A breakfast eaten in peace how lovely. I’m glad to hear you have such a great resource close to home. And even more that your son loves it. 🙂


  9. Even e-knowing you warms my heart and leaves me with hope for the humanity. Maybe this sounds like an overstatement, but I really do feel like that. The way your family lives, your relations, understanding and love… I praise you! And I am glad you are slowly adapting to having some time for yourself, to just be you! Amazing that you are! xo


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you, your words are always so sweet and generous. Adapting to the whole situation has been equally fascinating, scary, meditative and overwhelming. Everytime you think you’ve figured yourself out, something shows you there is still so uch to learn. Bit isn’t that what we are here for? I’ve enjoyed getting to know you as well… the internet is a wonderful thing (when used for good!). ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I admire your attitude and how you look on the positives. A few hours a week in a social setting will be so good for him and I cannot wait to see what you do with your three hours 🙂


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you Karen… I’ve always been a glass-half-full gal. Not always easy, but you do the best you can, right? My mornings have been lovely. Most of them so far, I’ve gone to a little organic bistro for breakfast and reading, but this week. I came home and actually took a long soak in the tub with a magazine! The luxury! 🙂


  11. jenny says:

    so true! glad you are both getting something so good for you. i often forget what it is like to think in quiet, or to actually sit and read during the day. these things are so important for our well being in an overstimulated world. i’m so glad your enjoying your moments.
    p.s. that book is on my “to read” list!!


    • Yanic A. says:

      It has been a wonderful balm for the mind and body. Even on tose mornings when I split the time between relaxation and errands, to run errands by ones self is truly a luxury! I get SO MUCH done! 🙂

      The book is wonderful. I’ve decided to give it a full read first and then go back and do her technique step by step… some will be easier than others I think. 😛


  12. sally says:

    Now this post I hadn’t read before, and it’s made me even happier! Important steps forward all round! And, from our own experiences, I can totally relate to needing to expand his horizons, how great that he’s able to do that in such a convenient, safe and loving environment, and that he’s happy there.


    • Yanic A. says:

      He truly is. He loves being around other kids and he,s been actually playing with them the last few weeks. He has the one little girl that is a few months oder than him that will run and run with him for what seems like hours they say. I’m very lucky to have these amazing people in my life.


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