
IMG_3460 (1280x853) IMG_3455 (1280x853) IMG_3452 (1280x853) IMG_3451 (1280x870) (2)To say we woke to snow would be untrue… It started snowing yesterday around noon, but we only started seeing it accumulate has the evening grew dark. I must admit, I wasn’t sure it would stay over night. The temperatures were hovering around zero so part of me was expecting to have most of it gone by morning.

But as you can see, it wasn’t!

The kids started climbing in the windows around 7am, dying to get outside. So after eating a big hearty breakfast and putting on several layers of warm clothes, we headed outside. It’s incredible how just an inch of snow can change everything.

The temperature was mild and the breeze was sweet and cool on our cheeks. We took a walk. I was surprised at how well Little Man was “boot-skating” up and down our street without falling. We played in the yard, shoveled the deck, made snow angels and built a fire. Sitting there, watching the flames dance in the wind, hearing the wood crackle, I welcomed the season. My heart and soul are ready, bring on winter.

I know it will all melt away. We have 4 and 5’C days (low 40s’F) and sun on the radar all next week. But for just a few days, it will be winter. We will breathe in the clean air, we will put on our snow boots, we will take it all in.

I know this winter is supposed to be a strange one. Lots of meteorological events converging this year, making the whole thing a bit “flaky”. But winter is winter… a time of slowing down, breathing deep, gazing in and looking forward. And I plan on doing just that.

Happy snow day everyone!

About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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28 Responses to Finally!

  1. Enjoy it while it lasts! I am interested to read what you say about what your winter might look like, I wonder if ours will be different too…….

    I tend to think of winter starting on the Longest Day, the weather after then for the next three months is definitely our coldest.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh, we thouroughly did. It’s gone now, but it felt so good.

      Apparently, the weirdness in the weather is due to a late El Nino and the fact that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and El Nino are happening at the same time. Both those happening have changed the winds at the equator and it is messing up all the mid-latitudes (aka, us and most of North America)… interesting stuff.

      Usually, by November, we have snow. Last year, we had snow late October and it didn’t go away until late March. I tend to consider winter “the months we are covered in snow”. I gues that is why it still feels so much like fall out there. It plays tricks on your psychy.


  2. Kim says:

    Toss a snowball for me, okay? There is not a chance of snow here, it’s going to be 10 degrees here this weekend. Oh well, at least we won’t be trudging through the snow to cut our tree down out back 🙂 Have a great weekend my friend, hugs to all of you. xo


    • Yanic A. says:

      Wish we could have thrown one or two… it was all gone by this morning an we came in around 4h30pm from a hike today and it was 6’C. Smells like green holidays, you know?

      Hope the tree cutting went nicely and that you guys are having the mosst wonderful week-end. xox


  3. Merveilleuse Renée-Lise says:

    Oui ! Nous étions euphorique chez nous aussi ! Les filles ont fait des bonshommes de neige, les enfants s’en sont donnés à cœur joie dehors et se sont réchauffé avec un bon chocolat chaud maison avec une canne de bonbon pour lui donner une touche festive. Bonjour hiver !


    • Yanic A. says:

      MIam miam! Mes enants sont drôlement pas fou du chocolaat chaud, maais un gros bol de maïs soufflé tout chaud fait bien la “job”… Je suis heureuse que vous en ayez profité aussi.


  4. sally says:

    Ahhh, that all looks such a treat! And I love your fire. Hope it hangs around long enough for you to get a bit more fun from it.


  5. Marie says:

    Magnifique! Même si tout est parti pour le moment, c’est super que vous ayez pu en profiter. Et d’autre neige arrivera, inévitablement 🙂 Trop bien votre installation pour les feux de camp. J’aime beaucoup! Ici c’est le week-end “tempêtes à la chaîne”. Vent, pluie, même des surfers sur nos plages… Nous n’en avions jamais vu ici!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Haha! Du surf en décembre… J’aurais bien aimé voir cela. L’an prochain, nous ferons installé un poêle à bois dans le salon, mais pour l’instant, ce petit foyer extérieur est notre doux petit plaisir. Nous essayons de le garder libre pendant l’hiver, mais des fois, la neige est juste trop abondante et on le perd dans une tempète… Mais peut-être pas cette année. Nous verrons bien. 🙂


      • Marie says:

        Du surf en wetsuit cependant, car ce n’était vraiment pas très chaud! 😉 Habituellement ils vont plutôt sur la côte ouest de l’île, qui donne sur le grand large. Le poêle à bois, c’était mon rêve. Mais nous avons un insert au gaz. Pas aussi sympa, mais très pratique. J’aime bien 🙂


      • Yanic A. says:

        Nous pensions foyer électrique avant, mais le prix de l’Hydro est grimpant… Nous ne chaufferons pas 100% au bois (je ne me lèverai pas dans le milieu de la nuit pour mettre des bûches haha!) mais le jour, ce sera vraiment génial. Nous avons vraiment hâte. Nous comptons enlever une section d’un mur entre le salon et la cuisine pour que le chaleur circule mieux. Nous avons beaucoup de projet pour notre petite maison. 🙂


  6. KerryCan says:

    Funny–we don’t live that far from you and we got no snow at all. What a very strange season this is . . .


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh my yes! Strange indeed. The weather got back up so high today that there were little black flies flying around our yew trees… FLIES! In December… So very weird. Hope the snow finds you my dear. xox


  7. Appleshoe says:

    Oh yes, bring on the snow. Ours has mostly melted away, but we made sure to enjoy it while it was here. little Miss and little Man, I hope this winter brings you both many snow angles and warm cups of coco. Shine on.


  8. you are so very lucky! we have nothing and I fear it will be a green Christmas. Oh well, I’m patient and I continue to hope. lovely photos


  9. Please send some our way! We are so sad to not have had any snow yet (or to see that there is none in the forseeable future)!


    • Yanic A. says:

      I wish I would had some to send… But no. 😦 It lasted but a few hours. The forecast is not looking good for us either. I’ll be praying for snow everywhere that wants it. Maybe we’ll get a Christmas miracle this year.


  10. Carie says:

    Oh what a treat – lucky you, we’re still in double figures (centigrade) so there’s no chance of a white Christmas for us and I do love it so!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Yeah, I’m not holding my breath for a white Christmas here either. It was already 8’C at 9am this morning. Our last green Christmas was almost 10 years ago. *fingers crossed* Maybe a flash storm???


  11. mirari says:

    i guess it isn’t normal not to have snow and temperatures under 0° in quebec right now… we’re destroying this planet.


  12. jenny says:

    oh snow! so lovely 🙂 sounds like you really enjoyed it to it’s fullest. last year was the first year that we have not had snow here (at least in the nine years that we have lived here). i am so curious what this year will bring!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Well, we got a fair helping of it today. Our real first honest to goodness snow storm! It was magical. But like you, I’m curious to see what kind of winter we’ll have.


  13. Andrea says:

    We’ve had a pretty snowless winter here, too, so far. Just a dusting back in November. The kids are dying for some wintery white!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Did you not get any of the big dumping we got in the last few days? Sorry about that! We’ve got about 6 inches on the ground now, but it’s melting pretty quick. I’m sending you very wintery thoughts! xox


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