Round and round…

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… and round it goes.

Seems I’ve been away from this space (and every space honestly) for so long. It doesn’t feel quite like mine anymore.

Seasons, months, events and ills… We seem to be on a rotation here. This is the 3rd year in a row that all of us fall sick between the 15th of February and the 15th of March. We thought we were out of the woods, I was excited, happy week-ends ahead and sickness struck again. This time of year, when the weather doesn’t seem to know what it wants, has always been hard on us. Even more with Little Miss in school now and bringing home a plethora of new germs and bugs for us to fight. There has been confirmed influenza and mononucleosis cases at her school and we are fairly certain that the first is what has our darling girl bed-bound. She is being a trooper about it, sleeping a lot, enjoying movies on the laptop and time alone in mama and papa’s big bed. Considering that Little Man’s croup episode started from influenza, we are hoping he will not catch it again, but he has also been feeling off, not hungry and sleeping poorly. Spring can’t come quickly enough.

But the sun has been shining more days than not, it has been wonderful. The time change has led to long lasting, warm sunsets and evening walks. I was surprised at how easy it was to put the kiddos to bed on last Sunday, even if it was still partially light out. They seem to have flowed into it without too much fuss. They have been tired though, we all have. It has been a long and gray winter and we are ready to be bathed in sunlight again. Let that Vitamin D find us, let the blues be pushed away.

As I write this the sun is actually breaking out of the clouds. It has been nice and warm, a bit rainy, but above freezing for over a week now. All that cold and snow that had finally found us at the end of February and during Spring Break is quickly fading away.

It hasn’t been all sickness this past month and a half. We’ve also had many wonderful moments. My wonderful and talented niece coming in 7th on the Provincial Figure Skating circuit, Little Man surprising them all in his latest interdisciplinary evaluation and him responding well to therapy, Little Miss quickly grasping the concept of phonetics making reading a very real (and fast approaching) possibility, her second cast coming off, dear friends moving back to town after a year away, my husband getting ready for bike season, our first seedlings sprouting under our grow tents in the basement… And me?

Me, I’ve been trying to find a balance. Yoga has been healing and wonderful. Joining the online community at YogaGlo is one of the best decisions we’ve made in a while. I’ve put aside journaling for now just because I still haven’t found the right moment or rhythm. But I haven’t given up on it yet. My greatest thrill is that I have been reading. You remember my 10-book goal? I’m 50 pages away from being 4 books in. It’s funny how reading is like riding a bike. You can stop doing it for years and then, you jump on (or in this case in) and you just feel exhilarated. I promised myself that I would not allow another book purchase for myself until I finished my 10. Looks like I might be able to treat myself to something off my wish list come fall!

That is it in a nutshell dear friends, not much has been happening, life is moving on, we will slowly get back our groove and before we know it, it will be Spring.

Wishing you all an amazing Equinox on Sunday. I hope the weather is wonderful for you and that you celebrate it fully.





About Yanic A.

Hello to all of you and thank you for stopping by! My name is Yanic. I'm a wife to a wonderful husband, a mother of 2 beautifully complex and unique children and a lover of all things inspiring. Having started a personal journey of self discovery when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago, I've since embraced a daily life of simpler pleasures and gratitude. As we get to know each other, you will know me as a quilter, a gardener, a Tao cultivator, a vegetarian foodie, a true believer in a healthy family life as being the secret to my happiness and hopefully as time goes on, a friend... I will try to share with you my days as they unfold, speaking of my happy successes without censoring my challenges, trying to make this blog a true portrait of the ever-changing path that I have chosen for myself. I'm hoping to find in these pages others to share with and learn from, bringing to light the absolute connection in all things and people, showing this world as being a true community.
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27 Responses to Round and round…

  1. sophiezest says:

    Really great to hear your news, Yanic. I hope you are all germ-free soon!


  2. Jennifer says:

    Hi Yanic, I hope you’re all feeling better soon. The yoga community sounds really interesting, I will have to check that out. Take care and keep your chin up, spring is almost here.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you Jennifer, we are still hoping Little Man will get over this quickly. The last thing he needs is full blown influenza after croup, tonsillitis and bronchitis… Here is to hoping.

      You really should check out YogaGlo. I don’t mean to be like an ad for them, but I didn’t think I would feel so good doing yoga online and they really have a great formula.


  3. Kim says:

    Hello there my friend. So nice to see you in your space, I have missed you. Glad to hear you are achieving some of the goals you set for yourself, that always feels so wonderful.



    • Yanic A. says:

      Hello to you, I’m sorry I’ve been such a stranger. It does feel good to care out those little moments for myself, even if recently, they are few and far between. But with the sun comes health and vigor, we will get through this and I promise to be here more… xo


  4. kathrynpagano says:

    I’ve been off the grid most of the time too. I find myself sliding away from the computer all together. Feels like the more intently our culture dives into a computer lead world the more I want to slip away from it.

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve been so sick. I hope you get better soon.

    Thanks for sharing that link about yoga. I’ve been doing yoga every night since the first of the year and it’s been so great.


    • Yanic A. says:

      I know how you feel… Many of my “computer related tasks” end up in my chore list these days. But I miss my space, all of you, the connections I make here. Putting this on the back burner always breaks my heart a little.
      You are so welcome… I love love LOVE that site! I love how I can just stop and do 15 minutes if it’s all I have time for. I love the feel of it, I find the teachers very nurturing.


  5. Marie says:

    Désolée d’apprendre que les microbes vous ont poursuivis tout le mois. Heureusement que la belle saison arrive… le plus vite possible j’espère!

    Ces images du fleuve glacé et des ponts, c’est vraiment superbe. C’est une des premières images que j’ai vu quand j’ai découvert ton blog l’an dernier. Tellement différent du paysage dans mon nouveau chez-moi. L’hiver a été doux ici et comme à chaque année, la saison des fleurs est maintenant bien entamée. Cerisiers, jonquilles et jacinthes sont partout. Les tulipes quant à elles se font rares malheureusement depuis que les cerfs se promènent en ville. Ils en raffolent. Mais bon, ce n’est pas si grave. On s’habitue 😉

    Les premières pousses de poireaux sont sorties ce week-end. Ils aiment bien notre “sunroom” et ça me rappelle aussi que le printemps approche à grands pas.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Est-ce que cela fait déjà un an que l’on se connait? Wow! Le temps passe vite. Nous avions un fleuve clair tout l’hiver jusqu’aux froids de la mi-février. C’est toujours tellement beau. Nous avons passé 30 minutes, silencieux, assis sur le bord de la promenade a écouté les glaces se fracasser les unes contre les autres. Les enfants en sursautaient. 🙂

      Des fleurs déjà, c’est fou! Nous avons quelques pieds de neige donc il faudra être patients. J’ai commencé à déneiger nos jardins cependant. On peu toujours aider un peu.

      Merci pour tes gentils mots, nous nous sentons de mieux en mieux.


      • Marie says:

        Environ un an que je suis passée voir ton blog pour la première fois, mais je n’ai pas écris tout de suite, c’est toujours un peu intimidant quand on a pas l’habitude 😉

        La première année ici, j’ai été troublée de sentir le début du printemps en février. Je n’ai pas particulièrement aimé ça. Ça me semblait beaucoup trop tôt! Maintenant, ça va 🙂 Le plus impressionnant à ce temps-ci de l’année, ce sont les magnolias. Ma fille en veut un dans notre jardin. Mais les fleurs, s’en viennent chez-vous aussi… 🙂


      • Yanic A. says:

        Nous adorons les mgnolias! Il y en a de superbes au jardin botanique, mais ils fleurissent en Avril et Mai. 🙂


  6. KerryCan says:

    You folks don’t do anything halfway! I hope you’ve turned a corner and can start to enjoy life again–the weather, the kids, your attention to your own needs!


  7. what a bummer to be sick the same time of the year three years in a row…I seem to get sinus infections around the same time of the year no matter what I do. I guess it’s just part of the changing seasons.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Yes it is. I used to be lousy with sinus infections as well. One day they stopped. Don’t know what happened, but I feel your pain and I hope you are finding relief.


  8. I am sorry to hear that the last month has been such a tough time for you all. There has been a lot more sickness in my area this winter, so many friends stuck down with one thing after another. I can’t help wondering if the warmer winter helped them all to spread more easily. We are also much more mobile these days, all the travel that some do puts other into contact with so many more people than it used too, helping the spread. I do hope that the warmer weather brings good health for you all.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you my dear. We can’t complain too much, we hadn’t gotten sick in so long. But apparently when it hits, it hits hard!
      I have the same theory as you : Warmer weather means warmer surfaces with a lot more germs living on them. My daughter’s school was a war zone. But she is very healthy and was able to fight it all until now. And as I’ve mentioned in an earlier post, my son is a tank. He is almost never sick so this was a very strange situation indeed. Like he didn’t know WHAT to do with himelf. Poor sweetheart.
      I hope your Spring is a healthy and happy one! xo


  9. Carlin says:

    I hope the sun gets through and kicks all your bugs out! I’m sorry you guys have been so sick, I know how draining that can be. Glad you are finding time to recharge in it all. Nice to see you here!!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you Carlin… we seem to be finding our way out of those deep deep woods. And the week-end should be dazzling, so I’m sure it will feel amazing. Thank you for stopping by. xo


  10. Wishing your family a return to good health soon! I have a sick little one at home today–the first illness all winter and I must have said something to jinx it. Happy spring!


    • Yanic A. says:

      Thank you Andrea… I’m convinced I jinxed us in February when we were talking about the flu vaccine and I mentioned not believing in it. LOL! I hope your little one gets over the hump quickly. So hard to see our babies sick. Have a wonderful new season!


  11. Pingback: No sense in going backwards | Family, Faith, Food and Fabric

  12. jenny says:

    i hope you are all out of the woods now and feeling well (and staying that way). i remember when our kids first started school we were so sick that first year or two, but now our immune systems are very strong. i can’t remember the last time any of us got the flu. so, keep that in mind… you are building up your systems now, but each year they will be that much stronger 🙂 i am very excited for you with your reading goal and your yoga!! good for you! this year has been a better reading year for me so far as well. i am only two books in, but that is still a HUGE improvement for me 🙂 i was so good catching up with you again!


    • Yanic A. says:

      We are doing much better now, thank you… And I agree with you : Getting sick is the best way to build that immunity. It had been almost 4 years since we had gotten the proper flu and as I mentioned, only Little Miss tested positive for Influenza so looks like my hubby and me missed it. Surprising considering the amounts of snot we ended up collecting all over ourselves. LOL!

      Hey! 2 is good… any amount of reading, when you haven’t read for a while, is good to me, you know? Hope you keep enjoying your reading time. xo


  13. Sally says:

    You sound like you’ve been making life good, even with the downs of bugs. Hopefully you will all be building up strong immunity and one year soon you’ll have a year off.


    • Yanic A. says:

      Oh I would love a year off of bugs and yuckiness… But like I said, we get truly sick it seems once a year and I’ll taake that over the alternative of a “little sick” all year round.


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